標題: 王保鍵、邱榮舉:《台灣客家運動-〈客家基本法〉》
Pao-chien Wang, Rong-jeo Chiu: Taiwan Hakka Movement: The Hakka Fundamental Law
作者: 施正鋒
Cheng-feng Shih
College of Hakka Studies
International Center for Hakka Studies
關鍵字: 客家權利保障;台灣客家運動;客家基本法;Protection of Hakka Rights;Taiwan Hakka Movement;Hakka Fundamental Law
公開日期: Nov-2013
摘要: 我們將先交代〈客家基本法〉的立法背景。接著,我們要分別由概念架構以及理論來進行考察;最後,再陳述我們對於〈客家基本法〉的看法。
We shall start with a legislative background of the Hakka Fundamental Law. Further, we will focus our analyses on the book's conceptual framework and theorization. Finally, we will offer our own critiques of the law.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=33&CA_ID=365
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 1
起始頁: 235
結束頁: 244
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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