Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society : [343]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 343
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004虛擬社群的集體記憶與儀式傳播:一個關于“龍魂不滅”的初探性研究曾武清; Wu-Ching Tseng; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004線上全球公共領域?網路的潛能、實踐與限制洪貞玲; 劉昌德; Chen-Ling Hung; Chang-De Liu; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004語藝批評方法在網路文化研究之應用與探討蔡鴻濱; Hong-Pin Tsai; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004編者言翟本瑞; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004台灣監視器系統作為集體逃避自由的機制?一種自由主義的觀點張煜麟; Yu-Lin Chang; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004網路使用習性、網路交友期望與社交焦慮之分析陳金英; Jin-Ying Chen; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004閱讀形式在數位媒介上的運用:以網路書店與電子書為例,建構以華人為對象之中文閱讀平臺的未來藍圖林欣頻; Hsin-Ping Lee; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004網路的禮物文化賴曉黎; Shao-Lee Lai; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004勞工流動及資訊流動的初探研究林季平; 柯音如; Ji-Ping Lin; In-Chu Kho; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004Honesty as the Best Policy?An Examination of Online Chatters' Interpersonal Deception in Taiwan盧鴻毅; Hung-Yi Lu; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004The Application of Information and Communication Technologies on Digital Learning to Reduce the Digital Divide馮明惠; 麥樹翔; Ming-Whei Feng; Su-Cheong Mac; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004E - Japan Strategy for National Economy and Lesson for International ICT CooperationT. Obi; N. Iwasaki; E-日本的國家經濟策略和國際資訊傳播科技合作的課題; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004社會支持對網路成癮的影響吳佳煇; Chia-Huei Wu; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004Reducing the Digital Divide: A Critical FocusR. Rasiah; B. Oyelaran-Oyeyinka; 縮減數位落差:一個批判的焦點; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004Yes or No?線上遊戲經驗之相關議題研究吳聲毅; 林鳳釵; Sheng-Yi Wu; Feng-Chai Lin; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004虛擬、解構與拼貼:後結構主義的網際空間課程觀蔡明哲; Ming-Che Tsai; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2004網路調查所面臨的問題與解決建議李政忠; Jack C.C.Li; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2003書評:《駭客倫理與資訊時代精神》王崇名; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2003臺灣個人寬窄頻網路使用行為之研究(2001—2002)劉幼琍; 陳清河; 鄭智偉; 朱怡璇; Yu-Li Liu; Ching-Ho Chen; Chih-Wei Cheng; Yi-Shuan Chu; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
2003網際民主與審議民主之實踐:資訊化社會的桃花源村?謝宗學; Tsung-Hsueh Hsieh; Department of Communication and Technology; 傳播與科技學系
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 343
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