標題: 從資訊科技功能論建構教學方案的規劃原則
A Computer Technology Approach to Integrative Programs Based on Constructivism
作者: 陳秋雯
Chiou-Wen Chen
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 建構主義;資訊科技;學習效果評估;Constructivism;Computer technology;Learning efficiency
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 建構論(constructivism)主張「知識乃是學習者主動建構的結果」,從人與環境互動的角度設計課程有助發展現代公民在知識經濟時代的能力。九年一貫課程實施以及資訊科技帶來對知識傳遞方式的衝擊,學校課程必須發展新教學模式以達到課程統整學習。本文目的即在結合資訊科技與建構取向教學提出:1.評估個別學習需求規劃整合性的知識學習情境;2.超鍵結知識搜尋系統打破學科知識的分界;3.線上即時發展學習者的領域知識;4.重複模擬教學情境有利於補救教學;5.發展充實學習方案;6.結合線上學習評量診斷與歷程檔案評量以達到多元評量等建構取向資訊系統規劃方案,並說明方案發展的注意事項與實施效果,以提供融入課程統整之教育科技發展參考。
Constructivism claims “Knowledge resulted from learners’ active construction.” This article suggested six computer-aided programs based in Constructivism: a) a multidisciplinary learning setting based in individual. b) a hypertext search system. c) an on-line system improving domain knowledge. d) a simulation system to enrich cognitive deficiency. e) a enrichment program. f) an on-line multidimensional evaluation system. The study also mentions the key points and effect of programs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123635
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 5
起始頁: 261
結束頁: 281