Title: 超文本的歧路花園:後現代千高原上的遊牧公民
The Forking Paths Garden of Hypertext: The Nomadic Netizens of a Thousand Plateaus in Postmodern Age
Authors: 尤美琪
Mei-Chi Yu
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 超文本;網路空間;科技基督;網絡倫理;游牧公民;認同;hypertext;cyberspace;techno-Christianity;network ethics;nomadic netizens;identity
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 殊不論網路空間被視為是後千禧的數位迦南地、無疆界的電子圖書館,亦或社群情感建構的場域,人們漂浮在互動式的知識汪洋、漫步在新地球資訊村裡的幽僻小徑,這場數位革命對空間/權力/政治所帶來的解放,以及虛擬實境對線下生活所帶來的衝擊,成為淹沒在資訊汪洋中的人們所急欲協商處理的課題。本文將借用波赫斯的小說作為分析的起點,並挪用德希達的空間/建築理論為參照點,具體形述超文本與網路空間的性質。在這多重流動、恰恰已具顛覆性的網路千高原中,網路作為一種新世代的媒介,如果具有無窮流竄且在數位邊疆逃逸的遊牧和解放慾力;如果擬像及超真實已然內爆了真實世界;如果「超連結」的形式或許更加貼近人類的無意識自身,那麼,在「虛擬」大幅度圍堵「真實」的現在,我們身為數位國土的公民,居住在世紀末的數位蜂巢中,當科技/倫理無可避免的成為網路空間的新神祇和替代規範(norm),與其以科技和倫理這類功利/實用性的防堵美學來阻絕網路犯罪,不如以商業機制、小眾社群的彼此監督以及網路立法和網路教育等方式同時多管齊下,或許更能打造一個自由平等的網絡地景,而非重新複製另一個國家機器式的新興霸權。
Cyberspace, recognized as the post-millennial Canaan, the borderless electronic library, the sites in which people develop their community feelings, or the paths of the new global village where people tread and wander, brings liberation to the existing structures of space, power, and politics, as well as creates a blurred zone where virtual reality and real life mix, which have been emergent issues for people immersed in the digital ocean.In this essay, I intend to describe the characteristics of hypertext and cyberspace by analyzing Jorge Luis Borges' fictions and appropriating Jacque Derrida's spatial/architectural theories. If network is characterized by certain nomadic and emancipating desire adopted to violate the boundary; if simulation and virtual reality has eroded our real life; if the form of hyperlink is probably more approximate to human unconsciousness, simulation to a high degree has invaded reality.Pragmatic measures such as technological blocking and ethical rules, however, are far from effective to prevent Cybercrime. Instead, commercial institution, restraint rules developed by communities, network education and Cyberlaw enaction might be better ways for us, netizens of the digital land, to build a network landscape of freedom and equality instead of reproducing another ascendancy in a form of state apparatus.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123645
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 2
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 28
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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