標題: 網路新聞與報紙新聞文本結構之比較研究
A Comparison Study of News Structures(Web-based Newspaper v.s. Traditional Newspaper)
作者: 徐鳳美
Feng-Mei Hsu
Pao-Fang Chang, Ph. D.
關鍵字: 超文本;超文本新聞;基模;新聞基模結構;回憶;hypertext;hypernews / hyperstory;schema;structure of news schema;recall
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 近來網際網路逐漸盛行,許多報紙也開始上網。然而目前這些網路新聞並未善用超文本特性;在文本結構上與傳統報紙的線性文本新聞無異。超文本是電腦網路環境中特有的書寫方式,並被學者認為有助於使用者的閱讀表現。本研究即是比較網路新聞和網路新聞的文本結構差異,初步探討其與閱聽人閱讀時間及新聞回憶表現之關係。其中,網路新聞係以超文本結構呈現,並依據新聞基模結構作為超文本新聞資訊區塊化及鏈結的原則。本研究採實驗法,研究結果發現網路新聞與報紙新聞讀者在閱讀時間及巨觀回憶表現,也就是新聞標題的回憶表現上,沒有差異。而在微觀回憶,也就是新聞內容細節的回憶表現上,有顯著差異,網路新聞讀者優於報紙新聞讀者。研究結果顯示,網路新聞的閱讀回憶表現並不遜於報紙新聞的閱讀回憶表現,甚至還有優於報紙新聞的可能。
With the popularity of the Internet and the World Wide Web in recent years, many newspapers have on-line versions. However, the web-based newspapers do not fully exploit the internet's property of hypertext. The news articles in internet are usually identical to those in linear structure in the traditional newspapers. Hypertext is the particular writing form in computer network and able to facilitate the reading process. The purpose of this study is to compare the difference of text structure between web-based newspaper stories and traditional ones. We first investigate the relation between the difference of text structure and reading time and audience recall of news stories. In this study, web-based newspapers stories were presented by means of hypertext structure with the news schema as the information chunking and linking principles. An experiment method was adopted in this study. The outcomes showed no differences between reading time as well as audience global recall of news stories, while web-based newspaper audience outperformed their counterparts on micro recall of news stories. In this study, global recall of news stories was denoted as recall of headlines of news stories while micro recall was denoted as recall of detailed news information. The research results indicated that audience reading performance of web-based newspapers news was not worse than that of traditional newspapers and may be better. With the popularity of the Internet and the World Wide Web in recent years, many newspapers have on-line versions. However, the web-based newspapers do not fully exploit the internet's property of hypertext. The news articles in internet are usually identical to those in linear structure in the traditional newspapers. Hypertext is the particular writing form in computer network and able to facilitate the reading process. The purpose of this study is to compare the difference of text structure between web-based newspaper stories and traditional ones. We first investigate the relation between the difference of text structure and reading time and audience recall of news stories. In this study, web-based newspapers stories were presented by means of hypertext structure with the news schema as the information chunking and linking principles. An experiment method was adopted in this study. The outcomes showed no differences between reading time as well as audience global recall of news stories, while web-based newspaper audience outperformed their counterparts on micro recall of news stories. In this study, global recall of news stories was denoted as recall of headlines of news stories while micro recall was denoted as recall of detailed news information. The research results indicated that audience reading performance of web-based newspapers news was not worse than that of traditional newspapers and may be better.