Title: 網路超文本環境中新聞敘事結構與寫作歷程之初探
An Exploratory Study of News Narrative Structure and Writing Process in a Web-Based Hypertext Environment
Authors: 涂志豪
Tu, Chih-Hao
Chien Chou
Keywords: 網際網路;超文本;新聞學;敘事結構;新聞寫作;Internet;Hypertext;Journalism;Narrative Structure;News Writing and Reporting
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究主要的目的在於探討「網路超文本的環境」之下,「新聞的敘事結 構與寫作歷程」改變的可能性。根據相關文獻研究者推論出網路超文本環 境中超文本新聞編寫環境的設計原則,並發展一超文本新聞編寫系統的雛 型,藉著對該雛型系統的測試與評估,探討超文本新聞的敘事結構與寫作 歷程。在此一初探性的研究中,文獻探討部份首先對超文本(hypertext) 理論進行討論,其次提出文學理論中文本交互性(intertextuality)的概 念,第三提出敘事體理論(narrative),最後則針對寫作歷程(writing process)進行分析,整合寫作理論、超文本寫作、及新聞寫作三個面向, 討論超文本式新聞的可能發展,並從研究中推論出系統設計原則,以作為 發展的重要參考指標。本研究之研究方法分為三個階段,第一階段採取 PSM網頁發展方法(PSM Web methodology)為系統發展方法,其次利用捷思 評估法(heuristic evaluation)對系統進行實際評估工作,最後待系統發 展完成後則利用使用者焦點團體評估法(user focus group evaluation) ,導正系統在使用上的缺失,並針對其超文本新聞寫作歷程及敘事結構進 行討論。本研究結果發現:一、超文本新聞可以發揮網路媒體的特性;二 、線上超文本環境會影響新聞寫作歷程與敘事結構;三、線上新聞資料庫 會左右寫作風格與報導觀點;四、網路超文本的環境足以支援合作式的新 聞編寫;五、超文本新聞可嘗試即時出版。但是在超文本的網路環境中進 行新聞報導,在技術面或實際新聞編寫過程面,仍有許多問題尚待未來的 相關研究提供建議。 The purpose of this study is to integrate the characteristics of news writing and reporting, hypertext theory, and literary theory to develop a hypertextual news writing environment. The focus is on the implication of news narrative structure and writing process in a web-based hypertext environment on Internet.The study first addressed the hypertext theory and its effect on news, and then discussed the news narrative structure and writing process in a hypertext environment. In this study, the design guidelines for a online hypertext writing and editing environment were concluded, and a online hypertext news writing and editing system prototype was established accordingly. Heuristic evaluation and user focus group evaluation of this prototype were both conducted.The prototype evaluation indicated that: 1. hypertext news could realized the characteristics of Internet; 2. online writing environment would affect reporters* news writing process and narrative structure; 3. hypertextual news database would influence reporters* viewpoint and writing style; 4. networked hypertext environment could support authorial collaboration, and 5. hypertext news could be published realtime on the web. However, technical problems and policy issues related to web news writing and editing should be addressed in the future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis