標題: 線上遊戲的魅力
The Enchantment of On-line Game
作者: 陳怡安
Yi-An Chen
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 需求滿足;利社會行為;利己主義;沉浸理論;高峰經驗;Need Gratification;Prosocial Behavior;Egoism;Flow Theory;Peak of experience
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 線上遊戲有如人生縮影,玩家在遊戲中釋放了內心最深處的渴望。線上遊戲虛擬社群的人際互動,產生凝聚力與認同成。本文主要探討遊戲的新天堂樂園,所帶給玩家的各種不同之需求滿足。線上遊戲反映並揭露出每個人心中潛在而又真實的慾望,人性的善與惡均淋漓盡至的呈現於眼前,玩家在此體驗愛恨情仇。本文利用Maslow的理論來分析玩家在遊戲中的需求滿足,並且說明線上遊戲本身的獨有特性是造成玩家們較容易產生沉浸經驗的重要原因,沉浸經驗帶給玩家成就成、滿足成,並且產生一種充滿樂趣的心理狀態。並以Maslow的高峰經驗,說明玩家在自我實現需求得到滿足後,繼續向自我挑戰、邁向超越顛峰的目標。為求高峰經驗的達到,也是一些電玩玩家更加日以繼夜的沉溺於遊戲的重要因素。遊戲中的角色扮演、趣味性、遠距臨場成、操控性、即時多人互動性等特性,都會影響遊戲過程中沉浸經驗的產生。玩家們沉浸於富有趣味性、即時互動性的遊戲世界中,它實現了人類的夢想,滿足了玩家內心的需求與渴望,讓心靈找到出口,讓玩家釋放情感與壓力,提供了玩家一個最佳的場域。
Online gaming is a microcosm of life in which the plays release their innermost desires and generate a sense of coherence and identity. The following document will discuss the new paradise of online gaming and how it satisfies the various needs of the players. Online gaming reflects and reveals everybody's true potential desires and displays the good and evil of human nature to the fullest extent right before the players' eyes; love and hatred, as well as lust and vengeance, are all experienced by the players. This document analyzes how the players satisfy their needs with Maslow's theory and explains how the uniqueness of online gaming makes it easier for the players to experience the flow experience. The flow experience gave the players a sense of achievement and satisfaction and generated the mentality of fun. According to Maslow's theory of Peak Experience, once the players have satisfied their needs for self-actualization, they will continue to challenge themselves by trying to reach an even higher goal. Moreover, sometimes the pursuit of the peak experience is an important reason why players immerse themselves in video games day after day. The role-playing, the fun, the sense of remote presence, the control of the characters, and the instant multiplayer interactivity all contribute to the generation of the flow experience. Once the players are immersed in the interactive game world of fun, they have entered an awesome realm where their dreams are realized, needs and desires are met, minds are opened to new possibilities, and stress and suppressed emotions are released.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123655
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 3
起始頁: 183
結束頁: 214


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