標題: 在數位時代的新聞識讀教育:一套批判的新聞識讀模式
News Literacy Education in the Digital Age: A Model of Critical News Literacy
作者: 林宇玲
Yu-Ling Lin
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 年輕人;校園霸凌;批判識讀;新聞教育;新聞識讀;數位公民權;youth;school bullying;critical literacy;news education;news literacy;digital citizenship
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 新聞媒體受到泛政治化和商業化的影響,新聞品質日益惡化。新聞組織卻以民眾想看為由,而不願意改變其經營方針,因此若想改善現前的新聞環境似乎只能從民眾的收視習慣著手,特別是從年輕學子開始,透過新聞識讀教育提升其批判能力,以督促媒體改善其報導方式。本文不同於傳統的新聞-公民模式,並不強調年輕人一定要接收嚴肅或硬性新聞,才能關心公眾事務。相反,本文受到文化研究的影響,認為年輕人雖然偏好娛樂資訊或小報新聞,但他們在獲取文本愉悅(如:窺視)的同時,也能藉此得知、談論,甚或參與社會上所發生之事。不過,為避免年輕人沈溺於順從性的愉悅與認同,本文仍主張藉由批判的識讀教育,培養其對新聞的解讀與產製能力。由於多數年輕人對新聞產製的過程較陌生,經常誤以為新聞文本比其他文類更真實,因此本文採用Knobel和Lankshear的批判識讀架構,發展出一套結合讀寫技術、文本解讀及數位生產的新聞識讀模式,以協助學生提升批判意識,同時鼓勵其利用新科技參與新聞的生產,一同加入公民新聞的行列,共同關注社會議題。
Taiwan's news media are influenced by political and commercial environment. News quality is getting worst. But news institutions argue that people want to see the extent so that they are reluctant to change their operation principles. Therefore, if we want to improve news quality, the news reception patterns of people have to be changed.Especially, young students shall be asked to enhance their critical thinking through media education, in order to urge news media to improve their ways of reporting.Different from traditional model of news-citizen, this article does not emphasize that young people are concerned with public matters only through receiving hard news. On the contrary, influenced by cultural studies, this article argues that young people prefer to entertainment information or tabloid news, but they are also informed, talk about, or even participate what happened in the society, while they get pleasure in reading those texts. However, in order to avoid dominated pleasures and identities of young people, this article advocates that young students have to enhance their competence of news reading and production by learning critical news literacy.Because most of the students are unfamiliar with the process of news production, they often misunderstand that news as facts are different from other genres. Based on the framework of critical literacy proposed by Knobel and Lankshear, this article develops a model of critical news literacy, in order to help young students cultivate their ability of reading news.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123701
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 22
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 20


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