標題: 社群網站中的社會資本、聲譽管理行為與信任網絡之研究
The Study of Social Capital, Reputation Management and Trust Networks in Social Networking Sites
作者: 曾淑芬
Shu-Fen Tseng
Wan-Chu Wei
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 臉書;社會資本;聲譽管理;信任網絡;Facebook;social capital;reputation management;trust networks
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究主要探討個人在臉書上的社會資本,及臉書上的聲譽管理行為對其線上(臉書)及線下的信任網絡所產生的影響。樣本選取以分層比例隨機方法選出元智大學大一共12個班級,以班級整體網絡方法調查每個班級中個人臉書上的班級網絡以及線下班級網絡關係,共回收有效樣本663份。研究結果顯示臉書使用越頻繁、使用年資越久,其臉書上的黏結與橋接社會資本就會越多。但臉書上的黏結與橋接社會資本則對於其線上或線下的信任網絡無直接顯著的關連。在聲譽管理行為上,結果顯示在臉書上做隱私更改的設定對於其線上或是線下的信任網絡並沒有顯著的影響,但若是常在臉書上做移除內容的管理行為,那麼其線上或是線下的信任網絡則會較小。
This paper aims at examining the effects of Facebook usage on bonding and bridging social capitals. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of reputation management behaviors on individuals' online and offline trust networks. A face-to-face survey and wholenetwork measurement is employed among 663 freshmen students in a university. The results suggest intensity and frequency of Facebook usage is highly related to online bonding and bridging social activities. Most of these college students would set up the privacy control and engage some sorts of reputation management behaviors. Those who use more and frequently respond to others messages on Facebook are more likely to engage online reputation management behaviors. Regression results indicate that privacy control on Facebook does not significantly affect a student's online and offline trust networks in class, nevertheless, student who does often delete or ask others to delete their messages on Facebook, a counteraction is revealed. He/She would have a smaller online and offline trust network in class than the others.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123706
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 25
起始頁: 84
結束頁: 105


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