Title: 自我認同形塑之初探:青少年、角色扮演與線上遊戲
The Formation of Self-Identity: Adolescence, Role Play and Online Game
Authors: 林雅容
Ya-Jung Lin
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 青少年;角色扮演;自我認同;adolescence;role play;self-identity
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本文旨在探究青少年之自我認同形塑;具體地說,本文所欲探究的問題是,若青少年投入線上遊戲並非當前社會所認定之時間消耗、過度沉溺等負面刻板印象,那麼青少年自「角色扮演」之線上遊戲中,所形塑之自我認同為何?本文是以位於中部地區之某大學社會工作學系學生為研究對象,首先透過量化研究釐清社工系學生的特質,以及與當前實證研究的差異性,爾後以焦點團體法、深度訪談法呈現青少年的自我認同。本文發現青少年的自我認同是建立在三個層面,分別為:虛擬與現實的自我展現、虛擬與現實的對價關係,以及他者觀點的解讀。 首先,青少年從遊戲中察覺另一個自我的形成,有些給予正向的肯定,並視為真實的自我,有些則礙於網路之人際互動的不安全感,不易給予肯定的回應。其次,虛擬世界、現實生活中存有對價關係,讓青少年自虛擬世界中得到需求的滿足,以補償現實生活的不足。最末,青少年易以「壓抑自我」的方式,使自己符合社會及家庭的期待。本文自上述之三個層面梳理出青少年自我認同的三要素(環境、需要與動機),以及此三項要素的連結。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation of self-identity of adolescence. We applied focus group and in-depth interview to collect qualitative data and targeting the students of Department of Social Work, in Central Taiwan, as research subjects. The result shows that self-identity contributes by three dimensions: ”self-display from virtual to real”, ”the exchange relationship between virtual and real” and ”understanding and responding others' perspectives”. Finally, this study discovers that self-identity of adolescence is influenced by three factors, ”environment”, ”needs” and ”motivation”.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123749
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 16
Begin Page: 197
End Page: 229
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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