標題: Parallel synthesis of amino bis-benzimidazoles by multistep microwave irradiation
作者: Wu, CH
Sun, CM
Department of Applied Chemistry
公開日期: 10-四月-2006
摘要: A multistep liquid phase synthesis of specifically functionalized bis-benzimidazoles is presented by the application of single-mode microwave irradiation technique. The sustained solubilizing power and stability of the PEG-ester derived from the commercially available 4-fluoro-3-nitrobenzoic acid has been successfully carried through 10 steps involving iPSO-SNAr reaction, neutral reduction and acid cyclization. All the steps in this synthetic sequence were assisted by microwave (MW) irradiation. The polymer support was cleaved to release the final head to tail bisbenzimidazoles in an efficient process. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.02.015
ISSN: 0040-4039
DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.02.015
Volume: 47
Issue: 15
起始頁: 2601
結束頁: 2604


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