標題: The Impact of Employee CSR Perception on Customer Satisfaction through Employees' Attitudes and Behaviors
The Impact of Employee CSR Perception on Customer Satisfaction through Employees' Attitudes and Behaviors
作者: 林孟杰
Chen, Mei-Fang
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;組織榮譽;員工服務承諾;員工創意;顧客滿意度;corporate social responsibility;organizational pride;commitment to customer service;employee creativity;customer satisfaction
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近幾年,企業社會責任蔚為風潮。由於企業所處環境為一開放性系統,必須與環境共存共榮。換言之,企業已無法像過去一昧地追求利潤最大化,須考慮環境內的相關利害關係人,並且將其納入營運策略中。對服務業來說,服務人員為服務品質高低的關鍵決定因素,同時也決定了企業的競爭能力。本研究旨在探討員工對其企業之社會責任知覺是否會影響員工對於組織的榮譽感及其行為,進而影響到員工所認知之顧客滿意度。 本研究使用線性結構模式分析並且試圖控制部分同源偏誤。研究對象為四家上市金融公司之員工,問卷採實體發放,共計回收289份有效問卷。研究結果發現,員工企業社會責任知覺會正向影響其對組織的榮譽,並且正向影響其行為如員工對於服務的承諾及能力如員工創意。另外研究結果也發現員工對於服務的承諾會正向影響員工所認知之顧客滿意度。 在研究結果中,可以發現透過員工知覺企業社會責任能夠使人力資源有顯著的提升。透過研究結果,我們希望提供給公司一些實務上的建議,並且希望企業能夠用更正面的角度來審視企業社會責任。最後期勉更多企業能夠擠身良好的企業社會公民。
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a popular issue in recent years. The business environment is an open system, in second thought, the business has to growth with this environment. In other word, the maximization of profit is not the only purpose for the business anymore. It is impossible to run a business without taking the other stakeholders into account. For service companies, employees who deliver service are the determination of a success service and business competitiveness. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of employees' perception of CSR on customer satisfaction through their attitudes and behaviors. We use SEM analysis and introduce Comprehensive CFA Marker Technique to control common method variance. The respondents are from four financial corporations and totally collecting 289 valid questionnaires. Our research results shows that employees' perception of CSR would positively affect their organizational pride and commitment to customer service. Moreover we also find the positive relation between employees' perception of CSR and employees' creativity. We also confirm that employees' commitment to customer service would positively increase employees' perception of customer service. In our study, we find the significant enhancements of human resource. We will provide managerial insight for business and wish that more businesses devote themselves to CSR field.