Title: | 個案分析—企業社會責任與服務利潤鏈延伸之探討 以Cconma Co., Ltd為例 Case Study – Research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Extension of Service Profit Chain A case study of Cconma Co., Ltd |
Authors: | 王信仁 Wang, HsinJen 姜真秀 Kang, Jinsu 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 企業社會責任;服務利潤鏈;CSR;Service-Profit Model |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 一般來說,企業社會責任是會對公司的績效有正面的影響。大部分的公司或組織認為,他們如果從事企業社會責任或者使用對於生態環境有益的原料來生產產品會使得公司或組織有好的聲譽,使得業績增加。可是卻有些學者並不這麼認為,他們覺得企業社會責任應該是政府的責任,而不是公司或組織要做的事情,因為公司或組織優先需要做的應該是為公司創造利潤。因此這樣的衝突,會讓大部分的人會把企業社會責任視為責任或義務但不應該和公司績效有直接的關係。然而,這個個案主要就是提出企業社會責任是會影響公司的績效,會幫助一間公司持續的成長。 因此,這篇研究是針對一間公司如何透過企業社會責任讓公司成長,我們稱它為〝互動式的企業社會責任 (Interactive CSR)〞,因為此個案研究公司為南韓一家網路購物公司,Cconma Co., Ltd。針對這樣的目的,本研究針對服務利潤鏈 (Heskett et al ; 1994) 的商業模型作延伸,加入社區的互動。因此,當員工滿意度增加,會導致直接和間接 (社區) 的顧客滿意度增加,最後,公司或組織的績效也會上升。本研究透過質化與量化的方式來驗證出此個案公司透過與社區的互動,提高員工、顧客的滿意度,再加上因為與社區的互動提高社區滿意度,使得此個案公司在短時間內快速成長從2010年的250,000美元到2011年的620,00美元。 In general, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) is supposed to affect positively on corporate performance. Most businesses or organizations think they might receive a good reputation by engaging in CSR or using eco-friendly materials, leading to increase in sales. However, some scholars argue that government should take a charge of CSR, rather than businesses or organizations because the first priority of businesses or organizations is to make a profit. This kind of conflict comes from the fact that most people regard CSR as responsibility or obligation which might not have a direct relationship with sales. However, we would like to propose that CSR can actually increase a firm’s sales, helping a firm to have sustainable growth. Hence, this study shows how a company can accomplish its growth through CSR, what we call “interactive CSR,” as a part of their business model through a case company, Cconma Co., Ltd. in south Korea. For this purpose, this study extends the service-profit chain (Heskett et al;1994) incorporating community interaction. Thus, the employee satisfaction increases, resulting in increase in customer satisfaction including both direct and indirect customers, finally, the performance grows up as well. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches taken show that the case company really represents how much their “interactive CSR” positively affect on satisfaction of employees, customers, and communities leading to their fast growth by achieving from US$0.25 million in 2010 to US$0.62 million during a short period. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50994 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |