標題: 兩岸服務貿易協議對台灣電影產業影響-以文化例外出發討論
The Impact to Film industry by Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services: From The Perspective of “Cultural Exception”
作者: 洪灝淩
Hung, Hao-Ling
Chen, Tsai-Fang
關鍵字: 電影產業;文化例外;UNESCO保障及促進文化表現多樣性公約;關稅既貿易總協定(GATT)1994第四條電影放映配額;兩岸服務業貿易協議;北美自由貿易協定;台紐經濟合作協定;Film industry;Cultural exception;Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE);GATT1994 Article 4;Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services;NAFTA;ANZTEC
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在全球化與商品貿易自由化浪潮的推動下,歷經多次回合談判,簽訂有關稅及貿易總協定(GATT)、服務業貿易總協定(GATS)等協定,藉以促進貿易開放,並提高貨品與服務之自由流通,但就文化商品之開放與否及程度高低,因其涉及各國對自身文化認同與政策,而有文化保護與貿易開放間之爭論。以法國為首的歐盟國家與加拿大等國,更以文化例外(cultural exception)作為限制他國文化商品進出口之抗辯主張,各國更進一步將該主張精神落實於各國對文化產業乃至於電影的貿易與國內政策(透過補貼、獎勵、進出口配額限制等方式)。而文化例外在雙邊協議的落實中,則有見加拿大對美國的雙邊協議談判(美加自由貿易協議CFTA、北美自由貿易協議NAFTA)主張納入文化業義務免除條款,藉以對該國文化商品進行保護。另外,台灣與紐西蘭簽署之台紐經濟合作架構中(2013年12月始生效),亦對文化相關商品納入例外條款,並對電視電影的共同製作加以規範。

由此觀之,文化商品在自由貿易化下的定位討論重要性不言可喻,其中又以視聽(audiovisual)產品中的電影產業為本文亟欲討論的對象。GATT1994年協定第四條便明定各國可對該國之電影進口配額以及放映時間等政策進行限制,而不違反GATT第三條國民待遇歧視之原則。在眾多文化商品中,唯獨對電影所作的限制原因無他,即是因為電影在文化影響上所俱有的國際文化優勢(international cultural dominance);進一步言,一個國家的電影,不僅具經濟價值,更具有外交及宣傳功能,並傳播了特定國家及文化族群的意識形態與價值觀;由於電影文化親切感及文化認同感,進而產生經濟上、文化上的外溢效果。另外,電影之製作流程不僅包含抽象與藝術概念的表達,還包括劇本、導演、演員的選擇,以及早期資金籌備、拍攝、與後期製作乃至行銷等各環節所構成,以電影作為延伸的文化創意活動、文創周邊產品等,更為文化創意產業重要的一環。簡而言之,對電影產業隻貿易政策討論,不僅在經濟、文化影響有其重要性,更不失作為探討文化創意產業受貿易政策影響之敲門磚。


“Cultural Exception” has been a concept originated from the debate between “cultural goods” and “trade liberalization”, whether cultural goods should be trade as other merchandise, to what degree can governments (WTO members as well) utilize the concept of cultural exception in their negotiation of FTA with others and their own policy on protecting and promoting film industry? More, “Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services” has been actively debated in Taiwan recently, but what is its impact on film industry? Will it benefit the film industry in Taiwan? The article looks on the concept and utilization of cultural exception and the how this concept can be implemented in the negotiation of the

The article will go through the utilization of cultural exception in GATT1994 (Article 4), FTAs including NAFTA, ANZTEC, and also Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (CDCE), and the article will also present related policies implemented by countries including EU, Canada, Korea, China and Taiwan. Further, the article conducted empirical study on the impact by interviewing film producers, directors and screenwriters and people who had pragmatic experience in film industry to learn the impact that Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services. Finally, the article will make analysis on the result and bring out suggestion to the amendment of the agreement.