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dc.contributor.authorLee, Chia-Lunen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以台灣雙城-台北市與高雄市捷運沿線聲景為主要研究對象,分別對雙城進行田野聲景採集紀錄,考量到高雄捷運線興建數較台北捷運少,因此從雙城聲景總採集成果中,篩選出富有聲源特徵之聲景,篩選數據以高雄市為依據。高雄捷運總站數為37站,其採集之聲景中有25個富有鮮明特徵聲源,故以此萃取數目篩選台北市聲景。 聲景是一個發生在空間的聲音事件,但記錄下來的聲景,其回播效果,卻像是一幅在喇叭前面的平面聲音畫作,有鑑於此,本文依據雙城聲景資料庫萃取結果,共重建50個聲景之聽覺聲場,以Adobe Audition與AudioMulch音訊軟體,運用音樂科技手法重建聲場,讓聽者彷彿親臨現場、置身其中,本研究包含雙城聲景聲場感知之問卷調查,受測者調查結果符合實作之預期,而後綜觀比較雙城聲景,以宏觀的核心音角度,可以發現雙城於交通聲景與水聲景有極大的不同,因為高雄市是一個港口城市,可以收錄到海洋與船隻的聲景。本研究企圖從雙城田野聲景採集之萃取成果,重建其聲景聲場,欲提供一個更有「響」感之台灣雙城捷運沿線聲景研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study chooses soundscape along the MRT line in Taipei and Kaohsiung City in Taiwan as the objects for the field investigation. Due to the fact that there are fewer working lines operating in Kaohsiung MRT than in Taipei MRT, this study selected a number soundscapes with characteristic sound source in total soundscape database. The number of select characteristic soundscape is based on the soundscape data in Kaohsiung. Out of thirty-seven (37) MRT stations in Kaohsiung City, only twenty-five(25) soundscape with specific keynote characteristic sound source was selected. The same number was also selected from Taipei City. Soundscape is a sound event occurs in space. But when we play back the soundscape record, it shows a plane image of sound in front of two speakers. For this reason, the research uses Adobe Audition and AudioMulch software to reconstruct sound stage of soundscapes which is selected by characteristic sounds source. In all, there are fifty (50) soundscape data to be reconstructed in this study. The simulation sound stage conveys an illusion "I'm there". And this study included the questionnaire survey, the result matches the implement predictive inference. In a broad way, the research compares two cities soundscape in macroscopic keynote sound. The result shows they are different in traffic soundscape and water soundscape. Because Kaohsiung is a city with a harbor, therefore, the researcher can record some soundscape with sea and boats. The main purpose of this study want to provide soundscapes with realistic listening perception by field investigation and reconstructing simulation sound stage along two cities MRT.en_US
dc.subjectSound Stageen_US
dc.subjectField Investigationen_US
dc.title雙城捷運沿線聲景研究: 田野調查及其聽覺聲場重建實作zh_TW
dc.titleA Research on Soundscape along MRT Lines in Two Cities: Field Investigation and Sound Stage Listening Reconstructionen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis