標題: 本國銀行業者對台灣地區中小企業放款集中度之趨勢分析
The Trend of Concentration Ratio to SMEs by Domestic Banks in Taiwan
作者: 黃鈺婷
Huang, Yu-Ting
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 趨勢分析;放款集中度;中小企業;Trend Analysis;Concentration Ratio;SMEs
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 台灣的中小企業占整體企業的多數,根據2013年經濟部的統計,中小企業家數為133萬,占全體企業的97.64%,中小企業就業人口為859萬,占全體勞動人口的78.30%。不僅多元發展,對於國家的政治經濟和社會都有很大的影響。但中小企業常因資金不足周轉不易使其營業規模受限,但財務制度不健全和授信風險的考量導致中小企業在資金取得的不易,面對產業的競爭和全球化的競爭,如何協助中小企業取得資金並鼓勵台灣銀行向中小企業放款成為協助中小企業發展的重要課題。本研究著重於銀行對中小企業放款集中程度的趨勢分析。透過觀察2003~2013年之間金融業統計輯要統計一般銀行對中小企業放款的情形,挑選出每年對中小企業放款前十名的銀行做放款集中度的趨勢分析,並探討國內外重大事件與銀行放款集中趨勢,發現一二次金改和金融危機對銀行放款予中小企業的集中程度有很大關聯。接著藉由次級資料分析討論八個總體環境變數和銀行放款集中趨勢以及總放款餘額的關聯性發現銀行家數、逾放比和國際原油價格的變動趨勢與放款集中趨勢有很強的關聯性。最後藉由複迴歸分析探討2013年對中小企業放款前十名的銀行其總存款、總資產、稅前盈餘、銀行背景(官股或民營)及是否屬於金融控股公司等因素,是否會影響台灣一般銀行對中小企業的放款。結果總存款和總資產皆對銀行對中小企業放款有影響,而且官股銀行及金控組織下的銀行對中小企業放款有較高的比重。
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the majority type of enterprises in Taiwan. They not only are dynamic and diverse, but also have large influence and contribution for a country’s economics, politics, and society. According to 2013 statistics from Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, the number of SMEs is 1,331,182, accounting for 97.64%. Employment in SMEs is 8.588 million, accounting for 78.30% of Taiwan’s total employment. Fund is not only input factors of production, but also is necessary for enterprises turnover. However, the operation scales are limited because of the relatively small amount of capital for SMEs, and global competitions are increasing. Therefore, how to improve the financing of both lenders (banks) and borrowers (SMEs) to help business operations and development is an important issue. The data source is Financial Statistics Abstract from 2003 to 2013. This research selects top ten SMEs lending banks to do the trend analysis of concentration of bank lending to SMEs, in order to observe the relationship between trend of concentration and the big issue occurred in the past decade. Concentration ratios of domestic bank loan to SMEs dropped at first & second financial reforms and increased at the 2008 financial crisis. Trends of Domestic Banks Number in Taiwan, Non-Performing Loans Ratio on Banks, and International Petroleum Price have correlations higher than 0.7 with the concentration ratio of loan. The multiple regression analysis shows that the total asset and total deposit will influence the total loan balance to SMEs. Moreover, privatized government banks and the bank under financial holdings companies have more loan balance than private and independent banks.
Appears in Collections:Thesis