Title: 探討顧客知識發展對團隊績效之中介影響― 以集體主義為調節效果
Exploring the Mediating Effect of Customer Knowledge Development on Team Performance: A Moderating Role of Collectivism
Authors: 楊子廷
Yang, Tzu-Ting
Keywords: 顧客知識發展、集體主義、職能發展、顧客同理心、團隊認知地圖、團隊績效;Customer Knowledge Development, Collectivism, Competence Development, Customer Empathy, Cognitive Map, Team Performance
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究基於知識基礎理論,發掘顧客知識對於企業的重要性,建立出一模型探討顧客知識發展對團隊績效之影響,於前置變數加入顧客同理心、職能發展、集體主義、以及團隊認知地圖來衡量顧客知識發展在其變數與團隊績效之間的中介效果,並納入集體主義的調節效果,端看顧客知識發展的中介效果是否受到影響。本研究採用科技業為研究對象,並以階層迴歸分析法來檢驗本研究提出之假設。 研究結果證實得出,顧客知識發展對於團隊績效有正向影響,而顧客知識發展在顧客同理心、職能發展與團隊績效之間具有完全中介效果;另一方面,集體主義於團隊認知地圖與顧客知識發展之間則具有負向調節效果。根據研究結果,本研究建議企業應著重顧客知識發展的重要性,並透過團隊員工之培訓與顧客之間的互動,來幫助顧客知識發展。同時,培育出符合產業特質之團隊意識,可以讓員工在更能發揮個人特質之環境下創造績效。
Base on the Knowledge-Based Theory, this study focuses on the importance of customer knowledge development, and make it as our research emphasis. In this research, we build a model to explore the relationship between customer knowledge development and team performance, and include customer empathy, competence development, collectivism, and cognitive map as independent variables to demonstrate the mediating effect from customer knowledge development. Simultaneously, this study adds collectivism as the moderating role in order to investigate its effect on customer knowledge development. The technology industry is selected as the research object, and hierarchical regression is used to test the hypothesis proposed in this study. The results confirm that customer knowledge development has positive influence on team performance. Also, it plays a fully-mediated role on the relationship between team performance, customer empathy and competence development. In addition, collectivism has negative moderating effect on the cognitive map. According to our research results, we recommend that enterprise should pay more attention to the importance of customer knowledge development, and promote the development of customer knowledge by training employees and enhancing the interaction with customers. Moreover, it would be beneficial for enterprise to cultivate an appropriate ideology in the team so that employees can exert their best on working.
Appears in Collections:Thesis