標題: 非侵入可攜式高光譜影像系統運用於檢測血液透析病人廔管狹窄
Non-invasive portable hyperspectral image system applied for detecting fistula stenosis in hemodialysis patients
作者: 簡士渟
Jian, Shih-Ting
Chan, Ming-Che
關鍵字: 高光譜影像;廔管狹窄;血液透析;Hyperspectral image;Fistula stensis;Hemodialysis
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 動靜脈廔管是一種將動脈與靜脈血管吻合的手術,主要適用於血液透析(也就是俗稱的洗腎)的病人,為了讓血液透析的過程達到良好廓清效率,必須時常維持並監測動靜脈廔管暢通。由於血液透析的病人,一個禮拜需到醫院三天,一次兩針,所以大約百分之八十以上的動靜脈廔管因為長期注射,而導致血管擠壓產生狹窄現象,血流不順而形成血栓阻塞的現象,若血管阻塞嚴重到一定寬度以後,管徑縮小而導致流速過慢,血液透析病人可能就需要在另外的部位重新建立人工血管,若到最後導致了血管完全阻塞而無法即時進行透析治療,就會有生命危險。臨床上,對於動靜脈廔管有些較輕微狹窄可透過較簡單的外科手術,最常使用的為氣球擴張術,使用針管注射於血管後,將針頭的氣球膨脹撐開血管,來使血管狹窄處恢復暢通。所以為了保持動靜脈廔管內血流通暢,必須時時監控保持與注意血管是否產生狹窄現象,為血液透析病人與醫護人員之間需共同維護的目標。 目前偵測動靜脈廔管是否狹窄,初步經由主要照護護理師或查房醫師經聽診或觸診檢查後,再依情況由其他非侵入式的醫用儀器檢查,如使用醫學彩色都卜勒超音波檢查的方式來觀察血流是否正常或血管是否狹窄,但是醫學超音波儀器檢查成本昂貴且需專門訓練之醫師或技術員操作,醫院擁有之儀器數量或也不多。除此之外,不論人力或這些儀器都無法對病患做長期性時間的動靜脈廔管狹窄監測。 本研究利用非侵入式高光譜影像技術,利用現在已經成熟的電荷耦合顯示器與不同波長雷射。由於血紅素對不同光譜的吸收度,使用低功率雷射照射並使用USB顯微鏡擷取影像,經過簡單的電腦數位化後製處理,來量測出血管分布與寬度,進而發展出一套非侵入式血液透析裝置之廔管狹窄監測輔助套件,並實際應用在臨床上。
Arteriovenous fistula is an arterial and venous vascular anastomosis surgery, mainly used in hemodialysis patients. In order to make the process of hemodialysis with good efficiency, we must always maintain and monitor arteriovenous fistula function. 80% or more frequent injections of arteriovenous fistula will develop, which led to the phenomenon of vascular stenosis squeeze generated, stenosis due to blood vessel blockage and can’t be dialysis treatment, there will be life-threatening. In order to maintain arteriovenous fistula blood flow, and attention must always keep monitoring whether the produce vascular stenosis phenomenon between hemodialysis patients and doctors important objective. This study use a non-invasive hyperspectral imaging technology, including the use of charge-coupled display different laser wavelengths. Using Matlab to transform image which format is JPEG into 1024*768 – 8bit matrix in order to be used by Labview for image handling, the goal of this research is to develop and apply particular the principle of hyperspectral imaging for early detection and real-time monitoring the status of narrowing blood vessel, which could increase the quality of clinical care.
Appears in Collections:Thesis