標題: 不完整的建築─剪貼方式創造空間多「適」點的可能性
Incompleteness Architecture ─ Scrap Box for Multi-Suitabilities
作者: 陳怡廷
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 拼貼;多向性連結;不完整的建築;Collage;Multi-Connection;Incompleteness Architecture
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 城市在快速發展下,剩餘空間也隨之在減少中,而居住於城中的人類,被迫開始面臨現實的空間取捨問題。 而越演越複雜的社會環境,作為組成城市單元的建築,該以怎樣的姿態調適於環境中?而作為建築的創造者,建築師,又該如何以怎樣的思維,解決此多樣性的問題? 「剪貼盒子。」 我們能否如同達達主義的藝術家們一樣,視建築師剪下城市當下的問題徵兆,如同將原本一張緊然有序排版的時事報紙,經過剪(Deconstruction),再貼(Collage),這些被忽略的問題碎片,在如剪貼簿(Scrap Book)一樣的建築體裡,被再次重新組合,原本可能被安置於角落的不起眼圖像,將再被注意到;原本深於大家腦中的熟悉物件與關係結構(Phenomena of Relations),將再被刺激而得以重新思考(Re-thinking)。 本論文嘗試利用拼貼的手法,企圖創造「不完整的建築」,並說明建築為何要以謙卑的態度的面對環境、都市與人。
Because the city has been quick developing, the remaining space also be being reduced.And humans have to face the reality of the space question about “take” or “leave”. The social environment is more and more complicated.The building as a unit composing the city,how to adapt to the complicated environment ?And the architect as a creator of architecture,how to think to solve this great diversity of problem ? 「Scrap Box.」 Do we regard an architect as a Dadais ? The Architect cut the moment of city issue,like a ordered newspaper gets through cutting (Deconstruction)and pasting (Collage).These scraps were be ignored in the past, that could be recombined again in the architecture as the “Scrap Book”.The image maybe be placed in obscure corners in the original, we will get notice again; we originally considered familiar objects and phenomena of relations, and will be promote to re-think. This dissertation attempts to use collage techniques to create "an incomplete architecture", and explains why the architecture have to take the humility to face the environment, the city and humans.
Appears in Collections:Thesis