標題: 奇幻與歷史:托爾金中土世界的次創造
Fantasy and History: Tolkien’s Sub-creation of Middle-earth
作者: 郭芳妤
Kuo, Fang-Yu
Lee, Chia-Yi
關鍵字: 奇幻;歷史性;情節編織;歷史進程;魔戒;收復夏爾;Fantasy;Historicity;Emplotment;Historical Temporality;One Ring;The Scouring of the Shire
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 異於電影中摧毀魔戒後的平靜,「收復夏爾」一章在魔戒遠征後又另掀波瀾。此章通常被視為托爾金對二戰後英國的寓言式描繪,但其實質上扮演了提取小說歷史層面的重要推手。本篇論文旨在深入探討中土世界奇幻背後的歷史刻劃,幻奇/歷史的交織讓讀者脫離現實奔向次創造世界,無形中卻仍被框架於真實世界中的歷史進程。
“The Scouring of the Shire” chapter of The Lord of the Rings creates another climax after the destruction of the Ring. Often read as an allegorical portrayal of postwar Britain, it in fact plays a significant role in leading the novel to the level of historicity. The thesis aims at an in-depth argument that Middle-earth is, in addition to a fantastic world, a world whose development is largely historical. The fantasy not only helps readers take a flight from reality but also frames us in a sub-created world defined by historical temporality.
This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter theorizes about the correlation between history and Tolkien’s fantasy. With the example of Middle-earth, their relation will be substantiated. The second chapter focuses on the theories of historical temporalities. By means of emplotment, these historical trajectories, with a spiral pattern in particular, will put Tolkien’s fantasy under a scrutiny of historization. The last chapter centers on the role of the Ring and the scouring chapter. The Ring will be proposed as a historical projector patterned on a spiral form, and its meaning will bridge the gap between the Ring Quest and the Shire one. This sense of historicity will be embodied in the confrontation between two central characters: Frodo and Saruman. In Middle-earth mythology, Tolkien deepens the involvement between fantasy and historicity, enriching the novel with the spiral of time.