標題: 運輸服務屬性之願付價格-以臺鐵為例
Willingness to Pay for Transportation Service Attributes - A Case of TRAv
作者: 楊鎧綸
Yang, Kai-Lun
Tai-Sheng Huang
Mu-Chen Chen
關鍵字: 願付價格;服務屬性;鐵路;條件評估法;特徵價格法;Willingness to pay;Attributes;Railway;Contingent Valuation Method;Hedonic Price Method
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 目前臺鐵各列車車齡與服務水平均有一段差距,卻無依造行駛速率與舒適度服務屬性定價。本研究觀察臺鐵運輸服務之差異性,利用條件評估法與特徵價格法探討乘客對臺鐵運輸服務屬性的願付價格,由條件評估法之多元迴歸發現家庭月所得、旅次長度、行駛速率、舒適度為影響臺鐵乘客願付價格之重要變數。 條件評估法以問卷建立假設市場之各種狀況,假設臺鐵服務的改變,如減少旅行時間、設立自由座與商務艙,使受訪者感覺問卷中描述之情境,使受訪者推估出其對該環境財的真實偏好。由條件評估法可知行駛速率與願付價格呈正向關係,列車行駛速率愈高,乘客對臺鐵運輸服務之願付價格愈高、舒適度與願付價格呈正向關係,列車舒適度愈高,乘客對臺鐵運輸服務之願付價格愈高,商務通勤旅次與搭乘頻率高之乘客,因其使用臺鐵次數較多,票價支出佔所得比例較大,其願付價格較低。 特徵價格法的探討,本研究收集臺鐵臺北-花蓮各列車旅運資料,整理出各列車之行駛速率、周班次數、車種,並以此建立臺鐵運輸服務之實證模型,探討運輸服務屬性與票價之關係。特徵價格法,因臺鐵樣本特徵受政策限制太多,且目前高級車種數不足,部份低階列車因而改變其特徵以滿足高級車種之需求,故各車次無法完全符合該車種之特徵。
There are some gaps for condition and level of service among TRA trains, but no different pricing in attributes such as the rate of travel speed and comfort level. This study was about Taiwan Railway transportation services and explored the willingness to pay of Taiwan Railway passengers for transport services with contingent valuation method and hedonic price method. The multiple regression of contingent valuation method showed that family monthly incomes , trip length , travel speed and comfort level are important variables which affect passengers’ willingness to pay for TRA services. The contingent valuation method established a hypothetical market and described various assumptions market conditions by questionnaire, so that the questionnaire respondents could feel the hypothetical scenario of the market changes and estimate the value by themselves. The questionnaire assumed the changes of TRA service, such as reducing travel time, non-assigned ticket and business class ticket. The hedonic price method first collected each train travel informations from Taipei to Hualien, sorting out the rate of travel speed, the weekly number of vehicles and categories of each train. Besides transportation service attributes, this method investigated fares to establish an empirical model of TRA transportation services and used the regression to analyze the relationships between attributes and fare. Based on the contingent valuation method, we can learn that the rate of travel speed and passengers’ willing to pay the price is positive. With the higher travel speed, passengers usually willing to pay higher prices for transportation services of TRA. So as comfort level, the higher comfort level of trip, passengers are more willing to pay higher prices. Because business and commute trips frequently happen, passengers spend larger proportion of income on transportation, passengers have lower willingness to pay for transportation service attributes. Because there are too many policies concerns for the sample of TRA and the shortfall of high-level vehicles, some low-level trains thus change their characteristics to satisfied the needs of advanced vehicles. Each train car can’t completely be in line with the characteristics of the genres, so there are some non-applicability in hedonic price method for this study.