標題: 營建業導入ERP之應用-以T公司為例
The application of ERP system was imported in Construction industry–Using T company as example
作者: 洪哲智
關鍵字: ERP;營建業;ERP;Construction industry
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 營建業視為工業的火車頭,其為國家經濟建設的重要指標之一。營建業為專案基礎(Project-Based)的產業,其生命週期往往可長達數年至數十年,期間需投入相當大量的人力與資金,就成本控制複雜度高,相對於製造業系統而言,其著重於成本收集、管控及進度追蹤。然而一般製造業用ERP並不適用於營建業。 其屬於專業且複雜的行業,其工地管理著重於品質、進度、成本及安全,對公司或企業層面而言,著重於人事、業務、財務及資訊管理。本論文將提出有效管控營建業成本的方法,降低企業營運風險,以利提升企業競爭能力及獲取實質化的利益。並透過人事及預算系統,除提供專案管理者有效掌握工時分佈及成本管理,更可提供各部門對企業的貢獻度。俾利企業能夠更有效率地經營。
Construction industry, which is one of the important indexes in national economic construction, is the head of industry.Construction industry is the kind of Project-Based industry. its life cycle is often up to several years to decades.We need investing a amount of human and financial resources in a period of time that cause the high complexity of cost control. Compare to manufacturing system, it focuses on the cost collection, control and progress tracking. Thus, Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) system of manufacturing industry is not suitable for using in construction industry It belongs to professional and sophisticated industry. The construction site management focus on quality, schedule, cost and safety and the company or enterprise is on personnel, business, financial and information management. The subject of this research is to propose the method of construction industry cost effective control. It will reduce operational risk to facilitate and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises for getting the substance of interest. Based on personnel and budget system, it is not only help project managers obtain work distribution and cost management effectively, but also provide a contribution to the business sectors.Hope the companies could operate more efficiently.