Title: 臺灣網通品牌的商業模式分析與發展趨勢
The Analysis of Business Model and Development Trend of Taiwan Networking & Communication Equipment Industry Brand
Authors: 羅珮君
Lo, Pei-Chun
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 網通設備;五力分析;SWOT分析;品牌;商業模式;關鍵成功因素;物聯網;雲端;Network & Communication Equipment;Porter five forces analysis;SWOT Analysis;Brand;Business model;Key Success Factor;IoT;Cloud computing
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 全球網通產業競爭激烈且標準規格不斷演進,然臺灣網路通訊產業在國際上仍佔有重要市占率和不錯的成績表現,根據資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)預估,臺灣通訊產業整體產值在2015年將達到2.8兆元新臺幣,約占全球的18.7%,年成長率為9.9% (全球通訊設備產值約15兆新臺幣;年成長率約7.9%),整體表現優於全球;加上物聯網對於行動通訊產業的大量需求,因此臺灣網通產業有機會持續高速發展和嶄露頭角。 到底該做品牌還是代工向來都是諸多研究文獻的討論方向,不過在網通發展的趨勢中代工進入的門檻及利潤率皆較低,而自有品牌雖然承擔的風險是整個企業整體的風險,但所賺取的利潤和能發揮的品牌價值卻也是最大的,網通設備廠商該如何做才能讓自有品牌與全球其它品牌龍頭抗衡與競爭值得深入探討。故本研究針對以自有品牌為經營基礎的設備廠商為個案研究對象,從這些個案中找出它們的關鍵成功因素還有商業經營模式,利用質性資料及理論模型來進一步比較分析以瞭解網通設備廠商的品牌發展和未來趨勢。 最後經由個案的完整資料蒐集與分析比較後,得出臺灣網通品牌設備廠商的商業模式與關鍵成功因素除了需持續地創新技術與佈局通路外,面對物聯網與雲端帶來的強烈變動與攻勢,亦是網通設備廠商需要快速反應與因應的首要策略目標與方向。
The Global Network & Communication Industry is a competitive markets and the evolution of standard specification is continuously in-progress. Taiwan Networking & Communication Equipment Industry still occupy a high and importance market share of the world. Base on the predicated forecast from the Institute for Information Industry (MIC), they estimated that in 2015, the overall output value from Taiwan Communications Industry will reach NT $ 2.8 trillion. Accounting for 18.7% of the world and the annual growth rate will be 9.9% (the global communications equipment output value is about NT $ 15 trillion and the annual growth rate will become 7.9%). This signify that the overall performance will be better than the global market. On the other hand, a great demand from Internet of Things (IOT), this will enhance and arouse the needs of mobile communications industry. Therefore, Taiwan Network & Communication Industry will have the opportunity of sustained rapid growth. In the end to do the OBM or OEM has always a lot of research to discuss about. However, the selection of OEM is always a low barriers to retry but the profit margins and value are lower than OBM. But to generate a successful brand need to suffer a risk of enterprise. How to make a Network & Communication Equipment Manufacturers to compete with the world's other leading brands and competition worthy can have a further exploration. This research will focus on OBM companies as a case study to identify key success factors as well as their business model. From these cases, will get the input for qualitative data and theoretical models to further comparative analysis to understand the Network & Communication Equipment Manufacturers brand development and future trends. Finally, after complete and analysis the cases’ information via collection, we obtain each business model and KSF (key success factors) of Taiwan Networking & Communication Equipment Industry Brand. They not only have to innovate technology and distribution channel continually, but also have to face what threat and against of IoT (Internet of Things) and Cloud computing brings, so Networking & Communication Equipment Industry Brand industry require to do reaction flexibility and plan strategy quickly ahead of it.
Appears in Collections:Thesis