Title: 臺灣矽晶圓太陽能電池業者海外設廠策略探討
A Study on Strategy Foreign Location decision of Taiwan wafer-based Solar Cell Industry
Authors: 黃文思
Huang, Wen-Szu
Hung, Chin-Young
Keywords: 太陽能電池;廠址選擇;主動式技術選擇模型;Solar Cell;Site Selection;PTSM;DANP;VIKOR
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 2013年美國SolarWorld對臺灣太陽能產業業者提起[反傾銷]控告,要求對臺灣生產的太陽能電池與模組加稅,美國在2015年1月[反傾銷]終判成立,臺灣太陽能電池廠稅率介於11.45%至27.55%之間。臺灣業者為了持續保有美國市場,皆思考海外設廠策略布局。本文提出適用於太陽能產業海外設廠決策之4項構面與9項準則因子,以協助業者在海外建廠決策時能有所依據。在技術選上本文使用洪志洋博士提出之Proactive Technology Selection Model(PTSM) 主動式技術選擇模型,此模型首先透過Brainstorming and Delphi 來進行定性的研究,然後會加入以 DANP與VIKOR進行定量的研究。此模型將由三個階段組成,第一階段,Delphi 與 Brainstorming 的定性方法應用於確認影響廠址選擇的關鍵因素。第二階段,DANP(DEMATEL –based ANP) 和 VIKOR 方法來產生三個相關報告來達成共識。這三份報告將輸入於第三階段。在第三階段進行小組式討論的定性方法,然後組合成第二階段的結論,並做出最終決定。使用 PTSM這種直觀而又全面的三階段過程,可以很快的針對廠址選擇與改進來進行正確的決策。 本研究數據顯示目前太陽能廠在東南亞的最佳廠址國為 馬來西亞,泰國次之,再其次為越南。
In 2013, SolarWorld submitted an antidumping case against solar cell manufacturers in Taiwan, requesting the duties imposed on the solar cells and modules manufactured in Taiwan to be increased. In January 2015, SolarWorld won the antidumping petition, which resulted in Taiwanese solar cell producers being imposed an antidumping tariff of 11.45%–27.55%. To sustain their place in the US market, Taiwanese manufacturers have contemplated on how they should deploy their factories Foreign Location. In this study, we propose 4 dimensions and 9 criteria applicable for making decisions with regard to the establishment of solar cell factories Foreign Location. The results can serve as a reference for business operators intending to establish factories in other countries. Regarding the methodology, we study from Dr. Chin-Young Hung, a proactive technology selection model (PTSM) involving three stages is used. In Stage 1, qualitative analysis is conducted using the brainstorming and Delphi methods to identify key factors influencing the selection of the factory location. Stage 2 involves performing quantitative research, in which DEMATEL-based ANP and VIKOR methods are employed to produce 3 relevant reports for achieving a consensus. These reports are then incorporated into Stage 3. At this stage, a qualitative group discussion is conducted to derive a conclusion based on the reports obtained in Stage 2 and subsequently make a final decision. Using PTSM, an intuitive and comprehensive 3-stage approach, can facilitate making accurate decisions on the selection and improvement of factory sites.
Appears in Collections:Thesis