標題: 超潔淨管配件於臺灣市場之創立與成長歷程 –以D公司為例
The Establishment and Growth of Ultra Clean Pipe and Fittings in Taiwan Market – a Case Study of Company D
作者: 劉嘉瞬
Liu, Chia-Shun
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 潔淨管及配件;企業生命週期;個案研究;Ultra high purity Pipe and Fittings;Business life cycle;Case study
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本個案例研究在探討中小企業的D公司(化工業)在本業發展遇到瓶頸時,一群傳統產業的經理人,憑著一股熱情與理想,決定投入一個新的市場(電子業)開發新產品(潔淨管及配件)。於2000年開始創立新部門至今,從零開始,到現在成為國內前二大的潔淨管配件製造供應商。其過程與策略並非一帆風順,有成功也有失敗,每一階段都具有產業特色,面臨許多的挑戰,而透過許多決策的提出,讓管理階層人員研究思考。 D公司的潔淨部門走到了現在也僅有微薄的獲利,整個發展談不上成功。本個案從公司外部大環境的剖析,再透視公司內部管理層面的SWOT分析、五力分析所形成的策略,執行的過程及結果。並提出經營過程中值得與讀者分享及省思的關鍵問題。 透過本個案的呈現,我們期許D公司能檢討目前的問題,提出解決方案,並在未來壯大目前的優勢,克服目前的難題,達到獲利及永續經營之目標。
This case is to study the development of new product and market strategy of a traditional company. D-company was encountering bottleneck in sales expansion. The managing group decided to develop a new product line: ultra-high-purity pipe and fitting business for the Semi-conductor Lab Building industry, which is also a new market for the company. After analyzing the business environment, market situation and product technology, using SWOT and Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, D-Company came up with strategies for the new product market. The developing process is challenging, some products are successful but some others fail to gain profits. This case study point out some critical factors and strategies in the new product market development of D-company, and hope to bring out some managing issues for the readers to consider and discuss. Is D-company implementing the right strategies or is there better strategies and methods for D-company to overcome obstacles and gain better results in the future. We hope that these analysis can help D-company to amplify the recent competitive advantage and solve current problems and gain better profit in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis