Title: 社群商務市場之評鑑機制
An Appraisal Mechanism for Social Marketplace
Authors: 連銘彥
Lien, Ming-Yen
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 社群商務;社群網路;賣家信用;Social search;Social commerce;Social network;Trust fraud
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 社群網絡平臺近年來的普及化使大眾對其依賴性逐漸增加。縱使現今電子商務市場的發展茂盛,但仍就對於大部分的網路購物使用者存在兩個問題: (1)找尋適合的賣家 (2)賣家的信任問題。使用者傾向於與自己熟悉的人做交易以及信任朋友對於賣家的評價更勝於陌生人。在本研究中,我們發展一個在社群商務市場中的社群評鑑系統,得以讓買家從他/她的社群中尋找到社群上的賣家;以及在社群網絡中獲得更真實、更可靠的賣家評價。以解決電子商務市場中找尋商品時不精準或對賣家不信任的問題。
Social network platforms have been so popularized that they are to be indispensable to daily life. In recent years, the electronic commerce marketplace faces the problems: like searching for product providers and trust issues of product providers. People are used to deal with the guy they are familiar with and more believe their friends’ words than unknown comments. So in this paper, we develop an appraisal mechanism for social marketplace to search the product requests from buyer’s social network and verify product providers based on the experience of friends within a buyer’s social network. The proposed framework provides a social search way to search for product providers and estimates trustworthiness values of product providers from the view of social network for helping buyers solve the inaccuracy and inconvenience issues in social marketplace
Appears in Collections:Thesis