Title: | 社群商務服務計算機制之設計 Designing Social Commerce Service Computing Mechanisms |
Authors: | 賴政揚 Lai, Cheng-Yang 李永銘 Li, Yung-Ming 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 社群網路;社群商務;決策支援;廣告傳播;交易信譽評量;Social Network;Social Commerce;Social Appraisal;Social Diffusion;Social Referral |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 社群商務是電子商務在數位經濟中衍生出來的新模式,藉助社群媒體,透過人際網路的建立與互動來輔助並增進商業上的銷售和購買行為。本研究分別從消費者、網路賣家以及平台供應商三個面向進行探討,分別提出以社群網路為基礎的評價、廣告路徑規劃以及交易信譽評量機制,以期能有助於改善社群商務的運作。 首先,消費者購買商品時,會期望獲得朋友或是專業人士的意見與建議,作為選購商品時的參考依據。由於網路社群上存在著眾多知識淵博的使用者,因此,消費者的線上社群網路可以被視為是極大的智囊團,其意見足以作為使用者進行決策時的輔助。研究中所提出了社群評價機制,可以協助使用者將社群的知識力量化為己用,達到購物決策支援之目的。透過此機制,消費者可以有效地縮短線上購物時的資訊搜集和商品評價的過程,並且可以有效降低購入不適用產品的風險。 其次,販售方為提昇自己在市場中的銷售機會,大多會試圖在社群媒體中進行口碑行銷。透過在社群中熟識的朋友傳遞廣告,期望能實現爭取潛在的銷售機會,以及建立品牌印象兩大行銷策略。目前相關的市場行銷研究,多致力於從社群媒體使用者中找出潛在的高影響力使用者,透過他們傳播行銷訊息,以期能提高行銷效益。廣告路徑規劃機制的提出,主要著力於如何協助這些高影響力人群傳播行銷訊息,為廣告的接收者找出下一個最適的接收者,使行銷訊息能夠有效且持久的在線上傳播。藉由適當的路徑規劃,行銷人員可以適度的估算在不同行銷策略下,可能獲取的廣告效益。 最後,商業行為中,最難建立的就是賣家和買家之間的信任關係。買家在挑選賣家欲進行購物決策時,最常仰賴的就是電子商務平台所提供的賣家信譽評估系統。然而,雖然電子商務發展至今已有許多賣家信譽評估機制在商務平台上運作,但是,平台提供者和消費者至今仍然面對著信譽偽造的威脅。賣家為提高自己的交易機會,會設法偽造交易信譽評量。研究中所提出的社群參詢機制根據買家的社群網路中對該賣家曾給過的評價,核實賣方的線上交易信譽。如此可避免消費者誤與市場中偽造高信譽假象的賣家進行交易。 Social commerce is a term used to describe the online retail models or marketing strategies within the digital economics which incorporate established social networks or interpersonal interactions to raise business opportunities. This research contribute efforts to electronic commerce and applications which applied on social media from the perspectives of customer, vendor, and an electronic commerce platform provider and proposed social appraisal mechanism, advertising path planning mechanism, and reputation mechanism are proposed for enhancing social commerce. First, with plentiful participation of knowledgeable users, an online social network could be seen as a large group of experts supporting the decisions of online users. The social appraisal mechanism is proposed to achieve social decision support for online users. Online users could efficiently expedite the decision-making process in their purchasing behaviors and reduce the risk of purchasing an unsuitable product. Second, most of current marketing researches discover potential influencers but not appropriately support them to diffuse advertisements. The proposed diffusing path planning mechanism could support influencers to propagate marketing information and supporting marketers to conservatively evaluate possible reward under different marketing strategies. Third, the electronic commerce market operators and the consumers are facing the trust fraud challenge. In this research, a social referral mechanism is developed to verify sellers from buyer’s social network for helping making transactions with reliable sellers in online marketplace. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72233 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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