標題: IC產業併購個案研究_以敦泰和旭曜為例
A case study of touch controller and LCD Driver IC M&A_Focal and Ories
作者: 張進和
Chang, Chin-Ho
Chung, Hui-Min
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 海外來臺;購併;個案研究;觸控IC;事件研究法;Eviews;虛擬變數;Foreign Issuers;Merge and Acquisition;Case Study;Touch Controller IC;Event study;Eviews;dummy variable
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究選擇首宗海外來臺第一上市觸控控制IC設計公司和國內LCD驅動IC設計公司併購個案為研究對象,研究以個案研究形式深入探討觸控面板控制IC的技術與產業鏈結構發展,採用公開資訊次級資料等搜集來研究併購併動機、併購對象之選擇、併購預計達成綜效,並專訪企業內部人士探討購併購活動,策略選擇及公司未來的經營方向,且以事件研究法市場模型再用Eviews和虛擬變數進行回歸分析來評估公司購併宣告綜效股價是否是否有異常報酬之發生?進而歸納出影響併購成效的可能因素及產業策略性建議。

This paper illustrates Merge and Acquisition (M&A) case study of Taiwan IC industry, a Foreign Issuers listing on TWSE & leading touch controller IC solution provider, and a well-known smart handheld LCD driver IC Chip maker, announced a merge operations under the name Focal co., It researches in the form of case studies, discovers touch panel control IC technology and the structure of Industry supply chain, exam motivation of M&A、acquisition firm selection and target of synergy by collecting and analysis second base data, meanwhile, discuss on corporate insiders about acquisitions strategy and the company's future business planning. Finally uses event study methodology to dimension the Cumulative / Abnormal Returns (CAR/AR) of stock prices of the bidder and target firm’s in event windows.

As result of this thesis, the Enterprise triggered external growth and mitigate the risky of product diversifications implement strategies through mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Motivations not only achieve economies of scale and scope (operational synergy), financial synergy, market power but also shareholders wealth creation. Technologically complementary and scale of asset effect target firm selection on M&A operation, moreover, Tax incentive, capital gains and Brand image contribute to transaction of M&A strategy and performance. Scheme of Employee terms and share options could encourage employee loyalty, retention and also consolidate a new organization by M&A agreement. The share pricing of bidding firm reacts positively with a significant abnormal return in pre-event windows, a negative abnormal return correlate with bidder and target firms after post-event, furthermore, formulates industry strategies and recommendations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis