標題: 母親心理控制與兒童知覺不公平、控制力、手足關係 攻擊之關聯性:調節與中介效果驗證
The Relationships among Maternal Psychological Control, Perceived Parental Differential Treatment, Effortful Control, and Relational Aggressive Behavior against Siblings: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
作者: 翁文慧
Ong, Anna Wen-Huey
Liu, Yih-Lan
關鍵字: 母親心理控制;兒童知覺不公平;控制力;手足關係攻擊;Maternal Psychological Control;Perceived Parental Differential Treatment;Effortful Control;Relational Aggressive Behavior against Siblings
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究之目的為探究母親心理控制、兒童知覺不公平與手足關係攻擊之關係,並探究控制力在這關係上的調節效果。本研究對象為臺灣北部與南部六所國小四到六年級且具有年齡差距四歲以內之手足之兒童,共有 425 人。本研究以學生基本資料、「手足關係攻擊量表」、「父母心理控制量表」、「兒童氣質量表」、「知覺父母差異對待量表」為測量工具。並以單因子變異數分析、多變量變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關與結構方程式等統計方法分析資料。本研究之主要研究發現: 一、手足關係攻擊與兒童知覺不公平在 8 組不同性別與出生序的手足組合中具有顯著的差異。哥哥對妹妹有比較高的關係攻擊,而弟弟比較不會對哥哥使用關係攻擊。弟弟比較能合理化父母給予哥哥的差異對待,而哥哥比較無法合理化父母給予妹妹的差異對待。 二、母親心理控制會透過兒童對於父母差異對待之合理化能力而預測手足關係攻擊。當母親使用越多的心理控制,孩子越無法合理化父母所給予的差異對待;當孩子越無法合理化接收到的差異對待時,越會對手足使用關係攻擊。而母親心理控制並不會透過孩子所知覺到的差異對待程度與父母喜好之對象而預測他們的關係攻擊。 三、母親心理控制、兒童對於父母差異對待之合理化能力與手足關係攻擊之間的中介關係會因為孩子的控制力而有所不同。當母親使用越多的心理控制,高控制力與低控制力的孩子都越無法合理化父母所給予的差異對待,而孩子無法合理化父母的差異對待,就會使用越多的關係攻擊。低控制力的孩子,當他們越無法合理化父母所給予的差異對待,他們越會對手足使用關係攻擊;而合理化之能力並無法預測高控制孩子的關係攻擊之使用。 本研究針對上述研究發現做出若干討論,並據以提出對父母以及未來研究者之相關建議,希望對於減少手足關係攻擊及未來研究能有所助益。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relation among maternal psychological control, perceived parental differential treatment, effortful control, and relational aggressive behavior against siblings. There were 425 elementary students in the 4th ~6th grades from northern and central Taiwan who participated in the study. The measured variables were measured by the children’s self-report questionnaire. Pearson correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were adopted to analyze the data. The results were as follows: 1. There were significant differences in the justification of perceived parental differential treatment and relational aggressive behavior across eight sibling groups with the composition of sex and birth-order. However, there were no significant differences in the dimension and degree of perceived parental differential treatment across the eight sibling groups. 2. Justification of perceived parental differential treatment significantly mediated the relationship between maternal psychological control and relational aggressive behavior. 3. The level of effortful control moderated the proposed mediated relationship. Among children with low effortful control, justification of perceived parental differential treatment mediated the relationship between maternal psychological control and relational aggressive behavior against siblings. However, among children with high effortful control, justification of perceived parental differential treatment was unable to mediate the relationship between maternal psychological control and relational aggressive behavior against siblings. This study suggests that children’s ability to justify parental differential treatment may have a greater impact on their relational aggressive behavior relative to the degree and dimension of perceived parental differential treatment. Furthermore, the proposed mediated relationship varies across children with different levels of effortful control. The findings of this study may serve as a reference for parents and researchers.