Title: 百貨公司選擇角色代言的考量因素探討
An Analysis on Key Factors for Department Stores to Choose Spokes-character on Endorsement
Authors: 蔡思喬
Tsai, Ssu-Chiao
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 角色代言;百貨公司;文化創意產業;授權;檔期;Character endorsement;Department stores;Authorization;The cultural and creative industry
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 臺灣在地創作角色的藝術家並不多,少數的創作角色中發展也並不成熟,市場上常見的大多來自國外的知名角色,如迪士尼、Hello Kitty,而藝術家與廠商、消費者之間需要一個接觸的橋樑,因此,藝術經紀公司便應運而生,從事藝術與商業的整合。而每個授權角色可以發展的項目包含代言、包裝印刷、周邊商品、作品展覽等。正因為政府的推動、加上藝術經紀公司的協助,過去許多百貨公司只會在檔期只找明星代言,現在角色代言變成一新的選擇,而角色的發展性甚至比明星更好。因此,本研究透過質化方法中的深度訪談法,訪談三位百貨公司的專業經理人,探討百貨公司如何選擇各檔期合適的代言人。
The local artists in Taiwan have not developed mature characters. The characters we commonly see in the market come mostly from overseas, such as Disney, Hello Kitty, but these characters or the artists need an agency to be the bridge to connect the firms. The first art agency in Taiwan established in 2005. These authorized characters can be used for endorsement, merchandises, etc. In the past, some department stores only focused on celebrity endorsement. Because of the trend and the appearance of the art agency, character endorsement becomes an option and its influence is even better.
By qualitative research method, this research shows that there are differences from different scale companies and different district companies. Large scaled company focuses on the awareness and topicality of the character while regional company emphasizes on the policy and its target group. How to match each running schedule with appropriate endorser is discussed as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis