標題: 透過智慧型手機通訊軟體在成人英語口說策略之初探研究-LINE為例
An Exploratory Study on Using Short Message Service to Investigate Oral Communication Strategies of EFL Adult Learners-LINE as an Example
作者: 施佳琪
Shih, Cha-Chi
Yeh, Shiou-Wen
關鍵字: 科技輔助行動學習;簡訊服務;通訊軟體LINE;言談標記;Mobile-Assisted Language Learning;oral communication strategies;Short Message Service;LINE;discourse markers
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在資訊流動發達、科技日新月異、行動裝置日益普及的現今社會,行動載具儼然成為大眾生活不可或缺的一項工具。隨著行動載具的滲透率日漸增加,以行動載具來學習的機會也相對提升,因此,行動學習能給予英文學習者更多隨時隨地的學習機會。在過去英語教學的研究領域中,關於行動學習與手機簡訊軟體的研究,大多著重在探究單字的習得、文法規則的學習與聽力理解的提升,鮮少有研究專門探究口說策略的運用。再者,關於行動裝置應用在語言學習方面的研究相對匱乏。本研究的目的在檢視EFL成人學習者運用手機通訊軟體-LINE為中介平台時,其英語口說溝通策略在LINE社群中的實際運用情形,並瞭解EFL學習者對於此一行動學習方式之接受程度與認知態度。 本研究主要探究三個研究問題: (1)在LINE的社群中,EFL成人學習者運用哪些英語口說溝通策略? (2)在LINE的社群中,EFL成人學習者運用哪些口語標記? (3) EFL成人學習者對於以通訊軟體LINE來進行英語口說練習之態度與接受程度為何?本研究參與者包含8位EFL成人學習者,所有參與者皆來自台北市某家成人美語補教機構,彼此互不認識,但均使用共同教材。在為期兩週的互動活動中,參與者透過課堂上的實體雜誌課程引導後,利用課後休閒時間,以LINE 社群中語音訊息工具,討論實體雜誌課程的內容後方所附之問題,並分享其想法與意見。本研究之研究工具包括: (1) 通訊軟體LINE中的語音錄音功能、(2)「個人基本資料、通訊軟體LINE之使用與認知態度」問卷、(3) 改編之「口語溝通策略使用問卷」(Nakatani, 2006)、(4) 一對一面談與 (5) 言談標記分類分析表 (Aijmer, 2002)。 研究結果顯示:一、參與者在LINE社群中大多採用 “Social Affective Strategies” (情意策略), “Accuracy-oriented Strategies” (正確性策略) 與 “Negotiation for Meaning While Speaking Strategies” (口語維持策略),而 “Fluency-Oriented Strategies” (流暢度策略)與“Message Abandonment Strategies” (訊息捨棄策略) 是最少使用且不被參與者重視的策略。二、在LINE社群中,參與者大多使用 “Frame Function” (架構功能)的言談標記於他們的口說言談中,而 “Qualifier Functions” (限定功能) 較少使用。三、多數參與者對於以通訊軟體LINE輔助課後英語口說練習,抱持著正面的態度。最後,本論文也討論本研究的限制、對未來研究方向建議與應用通訊軟體LINE於英語教學之實際應用方法與建議。
As technology advances and the use of mobile carriers became prevalent, mobile learning provides EFL learners with another opportunity for language learning outside the classroom. In the field of English learning and teaching, research into mobile learning and the Short Message Service has concentrated mostly on the acquisition of vocabulary, grammatical points and increased listening comprehension. Related studies into the application of mobile devices to speaking skills have been comparatively limited. This research considered a frequently used communication app, LINE, as an intermediary platform beyond the physical classrooms, in order to understand the communicative strategies applied by EFL adult learners while sharing their thoughts and expressing their opinions within the LINE group chat. Three major research questions were addressed in this study: (1) What kinds of speaking strategies do EFL adult learners apply in their speaking responses? (2) What discourse markers do EFL adult learners most frequently apply to assist their communication during the process in LINE speaking responses? (3) How do EFL adult learners perceive LINE as a practical tool for speaking practice? A total of 8 participants joined this study, all of whom live in the northern part of Taiwan and do not know each other. After taking part in physical English magazine classes, in a two-week period, they responded in English to two discussion questions about seven reading articles via LINE voice recording tool. Five instruments were utilized in this study: (1) a demographic survey, (2) a LINE voice recording tool, (3) structured interviews, (4) a modified version of Oral Communication Strategy Inventory (Nakatani, 2006) , and (5) an analytical framework for discourse markers (Aijmer, 2002). The major findings of this study are presented as follows: “Social Affective” strategies, “Accuracy-Oriented” strategies, and “Negotiation for Meaning While Speaking” strategies were highly rated by participants within their oral responses in LINE group chat. “Fluency-Oriented” strategies and “Abandonment Message” strategies were rated low by all the participants. Participants frequently applied “Frame Functions” and “Qualifier Functions” were the least employed in their oral responses. Most of the participants held positive attitudes toward the use of LINE as a speaking practice tool outside their English learning classes. This thesis also discussed limitations of the present study, suggestions for future research and the pedagogical implications of using the LINE app in the realms of EFL teaching and learning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis