Title: T公司網路專賣店銷售量之趨勢分析
The Sales Trend Analysis of the Online Store of Company T
Authors: 劉姿敏
Liu, Tzu-Min
Ding, Cherng
Keywords: 網路購物;產品種類;產品價格;潛在成長模型;隱藏風險;Online Shopping;Product Category;Product Price;Latent Growth Modeling;Hidden Risks
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的快速發展、電子商務與網路購物的普及,以及上網人數持續成長的帶動下,公司行號紛紛加入並轉戰到網路的生意經營形態,希冀在多通路行銷的助益下,不僅提高品牌與產品的曝光度,更求公司營收極大化。近年來,線上購物逐漸成為消費者方便購物的選擇之一,對於一般消費者而言,線上購物具有方便性、節省時間與成本、資訊取得充分與即時的優點;對於公司與商家而言,網路商店不僅節省設點開銷、精簡人事成本,以及增加無疆界的國際曝光,更可以運用海量的購物資料,精準鎖定消費者的購物習性與偏好,進而投射更具經濟效益的行銷方案。本研究以T公司的網路專賣店為例,透過潛在成長模型(Latent Growth Modeling, LGM)探討從2009年至2013年間網站產品的訂購數量與銷售數量趨勢,並依照不同產品類型分類,進一步檢視網站上各類產品的銷售狀況,挖掘與趨勢相左的潛藏之問題所在。 本研究之研究結果,T公司的網路專賣店販售的日常用品之各別產品訂購量與實際銷售結果和訂單之訂購人次,整體平均而言,呈現下滑的趨勢,又以產品類別中的安全防護用品與居家用品,在產品訂購數量與訂單之訂購人次方面,隨著時間趨勢下滑的狀況最為顯著;而產品價格對於產品的銷售與訂購的數量和訂單之訂購人次,並無調節效果。因此,本研究建議T公司的網路專賣店應投注相對較多的行銷預算,在業績緩降的產品類別,結合虛實整合的通路資源整合,更有效的帶動網路專賣店的銷售的動力。此外,在專賣店的管理上,利用數據資料的記錄匯集,有效鎖定並預測消費者在網站瀏覽與下單的消費行為,發揮行銷綜效,讓網專賣店永續經營。
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the popularization of e-Commerce and online shopping, and the continuous growth of online users, many companies gradually join the virtual environment to extend their business models by the multichannel promotion which not only enhance the brand and product awareness, but also pursue the maximization of revenue. In recent years, online shopping has become one of the convenient shopping methods for consumers; for the buyers, there are many advantages in online shopping, such as the availability of latest information, convenience, and savings in time and cost. On the other hand, sellers can gain benefits of online business from location costs, lean personnel management, and brand exposure without the limitation of regional boundaries. Furthermore, merchants can target potential buyers more accurately through shopping habits and traits with the option of additional technology investment from the collection of online transaction records, to activate big data analysis and better improve marketing efficiency through data investigation. In this paper, we take the empirical study from the authorized virtual store of Company T by using the Latent Growth Modeling to analyze the trend of ordering quantity and online sales of each product from year 2009 to year 2013 with the moderators of product category and base price of produce to realize the sales trend and dig out the hidden risks. Based on the research results, the consumer's purchase quantity and actual sales quantity of daily necessities and total number of orders per consumer in Company T's virtual store was averagely going down within the research period, especially for "Safety and protective products" and "Daily household goods" which were significantly declined. Besides, product price did not have any moderating effect to ordering and sales quantity. According to the findings, we suggest that Company T should spend more marketing budget on those product categories with slow declined trend, integrate and leverage the resources on the business model of click and mortar. Besides, the company could use the data analysis to predict, target and focus on consumer behavior of browsing and purchasing online which could not only efficiently make good use of marketing resources, but also increase company's revenue.
Appears in Collections:Thesis