標題: 亞太地區移動裝置廠之營運與研發效率
Operation and R&D efficiency of mobile device firms in the Asia-Pacific region: An application of SBM
作者: 林志鴻
Lin, Chih-Hung
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 營運效率;研發效率;ORE矩陣;ROCS指標;Operation efficiency;R&D efficiency;ORE matrix;ROCS index
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本篇研究中應用了資料包絡分析法延伸出研發效率與營運效率指標用以檢視移動裝置廠商研發以及營運的效率成果。而主要針對的移動裝置廠商為亞太地區的主要製造商,參考年份的部分選定2010年至2013年。在研究方法的部分,本篇研究選用資料包絡分析法中參考所有選定指標的未定向差額變數衡量法 (Slacked-Based Measure) ,簡稱 SBM,獲取研發效率值以及營運效率值以提升精確度。在獲取兩項主要的效率數值結果之後,本研究參照波士頓咨詢公司所提出的矩陣 (Boston Consulting Group) ,簡稱BCG,的企業定位法將研發與營運效率分別做為矩陣中的縱軸與橫軸用以定位參考年份中各移動裝置廠商的研發與營運效率變動狀況,進而能夠檢討該探討對象是否正確地發揮該移動裝置廠商的長處而得到較好的企業表現,本研究中的營運與研發矩陣 (Operation and R&D Efficiency Matrix) 簡稱為ORE矩陣。此外,本研究也將兩項得到的效率指標進行相乘得出一研發與營運綜合指標 (R&D and Operation Complex Index) ,簡稱ROCS, 以了解移動裝置廠商在研發與營運面的綜合效率狀況。最後,本研究以HTC最為主要的探討對象,因HTC為一家臺灣本土移動裝置的大型製造商,雖在2011年得到良好的市場反應以及營運狀況,但隨即在市場上遇到嚴峻的挑戰。故透過本研究的兩種不同方式的,發現HTC在研發及營運效率上皆可再迎頭趕上。
In this study, we applied data envelopment analysis (DEA) to have two major indicators, operation and R&D efficiency to measure the performance of conventional business functions, which are operation and R&D of mobile device firms in the Asia-Pacific region during 2010-2013. For precise measure results, we adopted slack-based measurement (SBM) to assess performance rather than radial-based model. Afterwards, we employed these two indicators as vertical and horizontal axes to fit in Operation and R&D matrix (ORE matrix) to position each firm from 2010 to 2013. The product of R&D and operation efficiencies (ROCS) is used to measure the multi-dimensional performance of chosen firms. HTC as a representative player for this study which is based in Taiwan has to catch up with respect to both R&D and operation efficiencies, compared to the other players in mobile device industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis