標題: 消費者人格特質對綠色建築購買意圖之研究
The Influence of Consumer’s Personality Traits and Environmental Concern on the Purchase Intention of Sustainable Construction.
作者: 陳郁雯
Chen, Yu-Wen
Chen, Guang-Hua
關鍵字: 綠色建築;人格特質;環境關注;3M模式;結構方程式(SEM);Sustainable Construction;Personality;Environmental Concern;Mowen’3M Model;Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來,人們意識到要和大自然共存,有許多環保運動、條約和法規出現。隨著大眾環保意識的提升,越來越多消費者選擇綠色消費。綠色消費係指消費者選購產品時,考量到產品對生態環境的衝擊,而選擇對環境傷害較少的商品。在市面上出現各式各樣的環保產品,像是有機食品、節能冷氣、綠色建築…等,產品之範疇從低單價產品至高單價產品涵蓋了食、衣、住、行各方面。然而,環保產品的範圍極為廣大,顧及消費者對於單價的不同會有不同的想法、顧慮與購買行為,本研究對環保產品明確地鎖定在高單價的綠色建築。 本研究主要探討消費者的人格特質是否與環境關注及對綠色建築的態度、購買意圖有關。採用Mowen’3M模式作為研究架構及人格特質五因素來探討消費者的人格特質。此外,本研究亦探討綠色建築的功能價值價格是否與消費者的預期相符,進而會不會對民眾購買綠色商品的意圖造成影響。本研究透過問卷調查來蒐集研究資料,共收集418份有效問卷,並使用結構方程模式(SEM)來驗證分析。 研究結果顯示民眾普遍對於當今生態環境有著高度的關心。在人格特質對購買意圖的探討,發現個人的人格特質確實顯著影響對綠色建築的購買意圖。本研究亦發現消費者考慮購買綠色商品時,價格並非其考量的主要因素,而是價格與綠色建築的功能是否相符。
In recent years, human is aware of the importance of protecting environment. There are more issues on environment right and the government has established the basic principles to ensure sustainable environment’s development. People will choose to be a “Green Consumer” as increasing awareness on the shock of environment. “A Green Consumer” is who will buy the products less harm to environment. On the market, there are all kinds of green products from low price to high price, namely organic food, eco-air conditioning, sustainable construction…etc. I will focus on sustainable construction, the high price produce, in my paper. The main purpose of this research is to discuss the influence of consumer’s personality traits and environmental concern on the purchase intention of sustainable construction. The research framework of this thesis is based on Mowen’3M model and analyses consumer’s personality traits by The Five Factor Model. Furthermore, this research also discuss whether sustainable construction’s price up to the standard and would it impact consumers’ decision. The valid questionnaires of this study were 418 copies and analyses by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results demonstrated that human is highly caring of the environment. Find that consumer’s personality traits actually influence the purchase intention of sustainable construction. Besides, consumers consider about whether price is reasonable to sustainable construction’s function rather than the price itself.
Appears in Collections:Thesis