Title: | 動態能力用於台灣電信產業轉型策略 Dynamic capabilities for Taiwan's telecom industry transforming strategy |
Authors: | 蔡國基 Tsai, Kuo-Chi 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 管理學院經營管理學程 |
Keywords: | 開放式創新;商業模式;動態能力;open innovation;business model;dynamic capabilities |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 面對全球化市場與網際網路數位浪潮襲捲下,台灣電信產業從提供固網到行動語音服務,演化成提供行動上網管道服務的供應商(Provider)。然而除了面對新進業者價格及技術競賽,開放式創新(Open Innovation)的合作模式,正悄悄地在全球化競爭環境下,挑戰傳統電信營運商業模式,電信營運商應如何建立動態能力以因應挑戰?轉型進入新的商業模式,不僅需調整內部資源構型方式,並藉由外部創新者合作,改善市場面及技術面的創新,進而創造價值,維持電信企業永續發展。 Faced with the globalization of markets and the Internet of digit rushing tide, the Taiwan telecommunications industry to move from providing fixed-line to mobile voice service, evolve to provide mobile internet services provider. However, in addition to facing new entrant price war and technology competition, open innovation collaboration model, it is stealthily challenging traditional telecom operation business model in a globalization competitive environment. How will Telecom operators to create dynamic capabilities to cope with challenges? The transformation into a new business model, not only need to adjust the internal resource configuration, but also cooperated with external innovators improving innovation of market and technology side, thereby creating value and maintain telecom enterprise sustainable. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126373 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |