Title: 綠色風潮的服務創新—以小智研發商業模式創新為例
Utilizing Green Angles to See Service Innovation:A Case Study of MINIWIZ Company
Authors: 張雅婷
Chang, Ya-Ting
Yuan, Benjamin
Keywords: 綠色風潮;資源基礎觀點;創新;開放式創新;商業模式;商業模式創新;Green Trend;Resource-Based View;Innovation;Open Innovation;Business Model;Business Model Innovation
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 企業持續的進行創新活動,是為了攀登下一條成長曲線。然而,推廣創新除了要有厚實的核心能力、認清本身的定位,也必須要建立一套系統性的藍圖,辨識每一個環節的重要性,檢視彼此之間的關聯性。更重要的是,面臨環境日益惡化的議題,節能減碳的口號響徹全球,個人與組織如何在不斷的追求自我成長時,也應該負起修補企業與環境之間裂縫的責任,共創永續發展。
本研究以資源基礎觀點學者提出的理論,結合近來被廣泛討論的創新議題,探討企業本身核心能力對於創新成功商業化的重要性與意義。於是,本研究以2010年花博流行館的設計公司—小智研發為研究對象,透過單一個案深度訪談和專家深度訪談,藉由Mark W. Johnson(2010)提出之商業模式創新流程的架構進行個案分析與討論,歸結出個案公司如何發展出一套適應環境變遷的創新策略,以供各界人士參考。經由一連串系統化的研究發現,在這股綠色風潮下商業模式創新流程,除了厚植組織本身的核心能力,同時納入企業社會責任為關鍵因素之一,也有助於創新成功商業化。因此,本研究提出一套更完備的商業模式創新流程進而彌補原架構之不足,可以更完整的闡述企業如何建立一套綠色創新的藍圖。
In the study, it utilizes the theory-resource-based view, combining with the innovation topic, which has been widely discussed recently. Focusing on how the core capabilities of the enterprise affect innovation, and what the role of the core capabilities plays in successful commercialization. The study takes the example of designing company – MINIWIZ in the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition as study object. Through a single case-depth interviews and expert-depth interviewing, via the framework of business model and innovation processes which proposed by Mark W. Johnson in 2010. Finally, we make the conclusion by analysis and discussion, explain the company how to develop a set of innovative strategies to adapt to environmental changes, and take it as reference for others.
Through a series of studies, we found that the business model of innovating processes under the green trend, the organization not just strengthen their own core competencies, but also take the corporate social responsibility into consideration. It also can contribute to reach commercialization successfully. Therefore, the study proposes an improved business model of innovation process in order to compensate for the inadequacy of the original structure. The study provides more complete interpretation about how companies build-up a blueprint for green innovation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis