Title: 企業永續融入競爭策略之實證研究
Corporate Sustainability : An Empirical Study of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Authors: 蕭晴心
Hsiao, Ching-Hsin
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 企業永續;永續發展;企業社會責任;利害關係人理論;Global 100;競爭優勢;Corporate Sustainability;Sustainable Development;Corporate Social Responsibility;Stakeholder Theory;Competitive Advantage;Global 100
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 企業永續根植於永續發展、企業社會責任、利害關係人理論和企業當責,認為企業經營並非一味追求利潤極大化,而必須兼顧在環境、經濟和社會面向的三重盈餘,為利害關係人創造價值。 全球氣候變遷、能源資源短缺、政治氣氛等大環境變化,及日益激烈的產業競爭和更迭,都是近年來企業面臨的考驗。永續思維應用於企業經營,有助於企業識別挑戰和契機,將環保、社會責任、利害關係人價值創造融入整體經營策略,培養動態能耐和形成競爭優勢。 本研究選取2012-2014年連續3年列入Global 100之永續標竿企業,依據各項評比標準,以統計方法歸納企業永續3構面:綠色績效、自覺資本主義、創新績效,並劃分4個策略群集:創新領導型、平衡發展型、自覺價值創造型、及綠色服務先驅型。
Corporate Sustainability, which based on four pillars, including Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Theory, and Corporate Accountability, defines that in order to be sustainable, an enterprise should take environmental, social and economic performances into account, while create values for stakeholders instead of merely maximizing its own profits. Corporations are facing severe challenges due to global climate change, limited energy and natural resources, political issues, as well as dynamic competition and transformation in and among industries. With Corporate Sustainability in mind, a corporation is more able to recognize the challenges and opportunities and thus develop strategies and dynamic capabilities that make the corporation sustainably competitive. In this research, corporations listed in “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations” from 2012 to 2014 were selected as research samples. By analyzing those benchmarks’ KPIs with statistical methods, this study concludes that the 3 factors of Corporate Sustainability are Green Performance, Conscious Capitalism, and Innovation Performance, and the 4 strategic patterns of sustainable corporations are Innovation Leadership, Balanced Developer, Conscious Value Creator, and Green Service Pioneer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis