DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract應用商業模式分析推廣社區植物工廠水耕蔬菜之可行性 :以A公司T社區為個案 學 生:金美慧 指導教授:任維廉 國立交通大學 高階主管管理學程碩士班 摘 要 本研究的動機來自近年發生重大疾病及慢性病人越來越多且發病年齡層有年輕化趨勢,要擁有健康身體,除運動外就要從如何吃、吃什麼方面著手,所以健康飲食建立就很重要了;因全球暖化氣候異常造成農業土耕栽種面臨考驗及農民為栽種農作物不被蟲害,許多蔬菜農產品都被大量使用農藥,農藥的殘留是國人相當關注。本研究發現水耕蔬菜的栽種方式,可完全杜絕農藥的使用。透過社區通路型態,利用社區閒置空間,導入植物工廠水耕蔬菜的經營模式,可使空間充份利用,將無毒健康概念成功導入社區住戶的心中,為健康無毒的飲食環境盡一份心力。 水耕栽種的方式,從育苗期的浸種發芽到成長期的移苗採收,均有一定的技術門檻,其中建置設備的投資成本也較土地耕種高。養液調配運用及環境溫度濕度控制,更是栽種蔬菜成敗的關鍵。建置植物工廠水耕蔬菜,不但能確保產品品質還能穩定產量,其目的是要推廣健康無毒的飲食概念,更希望透過商業模式分析將植物工廠水耕蔬菜導入社區,回饋社區固定百分比,讓植物工廠水耕蔬菜在社區永續經營下去。 本研究以T社區為例,進行個案研究,結果發現:社區通路的型態,建置植物工廠,可使閒置空間充份利用,無毒健康概念成功的導入,供應社區住戶新鮮無毒蔬菜、節省外出購物及宅配時間,每月固定百分比回饋社區,幫助社區開發財源、也提供社區在地就業工作機會,社區住戶對此高度認同且願意接受並購買,所以推動社區植物工廠水耕蔬菜是可行的。 關鍵詞:植物工廠(Plant Factory) ,水耕蔬菜(Hydroponics Vegetabel) , 商業模式(Business Model)zh_TW
dc.description.abstractApplication of Business Model to Analysis the Feasibility of Promoting Plant Factory Hydroponics Vegetabel: A Case Study of T Commuinity Student:Mei-Hui Chin Advisor:Progessor William Jen Master Program for EMBA, National Chiao Tung University Abstract Motivation of this study comes from the trend that in recent years, more and more people , especially the younger generation, are starting to have major and chronic diseases. In order to have a healthy body, except for regular exercise, it is also necessary to focus on how and what to eat. As a result, it is very important to establish a healthy diet habit. The global warming caused by climate anomalies has resulted in the shortage of cultivated agricultural land and the overuse of agricultural pesticides by farmers on planted crops and many vegetables. As a consequence, the residues from agricultural pesticides have become a major concern by the public. The study found that by adopting hydroponics vegetable planting methods, the use of agricultural pesticides can be completely eliminated. Through community access patterns, the unused space of community can be utilized and used in the business model which is concentrated on hydroponics vegetable factory. As a result, the community space can be fully utilized and the concept of non-toxic and healthy communities can be successfully implanted to the residents of the community. All these can make a contribution to the buildup of non-toxic living environment. Hydroponic planting methods, starting from soaking germination to seedling growth stage until transplant seedlings harvest, has a certain level of technical threshold. In the meantime, the investment cost on relevant equipments is relatively higher than traditional land cultivation. The deployment of nutrient solution and the control over ambient temperature and humidity is the key to the success of Hydroponic planting of vegetables. By building hydroponic vegetable factory, it can help to ensure product quality, as well as stable productivity. The purpose is to promote the concept of healthy diet and to implant the concept of hydroponic vegetables to the communities through the business model and business analysis. The benefits can feedback the community and can be used as the funding to sustain the everlasting operation of Hydroponic vegetable factories. In this study, we use T community as the sample community for our research case, and the result shows: Through community access patterns and the adoption of Hydroponics vegetable factory, they can take full advantage of unused community space and can successfully introduce the concept of non-toxic healthy living environment. The non-toxic fresh vegetable can be supplied to community residents and this can save the time on outdoor shopping and delivery. As a result, the saved costs can feedback to the community, and help the community to develop financial resources. In the meantime, it also provides employment opportunities for the community. The residents of this community are willing to accept this method with high degree of recognition and are willing to purchase. In sum, it proves that the concept and method of community hydroponics vegetable factory is feasible. Key Words: Plant Factory,Hydroponics Vegetabel,Business Modelen_US
dc.subjectPlant Factoryen_US
dc.subjectHydroponics Vegetabelen_US
dc.subjectBusiness Modelen_US
dc.title應用商業模式推廣社區植物工廠水耕蔬菜之可行性 :以T社區為個案zh_TW
dc.titleApplication of Business Model to the Feasibility Analysis of Promoting Plant Factory Hydroponics Vegetabel: A Case Study of T Communityen_US