Title: | 網路部落格口碑訊息對西式牛排餐館消費行為影響之研究-以台北地區消費者為例 The Influence of the Message of Internet Blog Word-of-Mouth on Consumer Behavior in the Western Steakhouse - The Case of Taipei and NewTaipei City Residents |
Authors: | 張哲維 Chang, Che-Wei 陳春富 Chen, Chun-Fu 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 網路部落格;口碑;商店形象;消費者行為;西式牛排餐館;Internet Blog;Word-of-Mouth;Store Image;Consumer Behavior;Western Steakhouse |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 近年由於網路逐漸普及,越來越多行動裝置能夠讓使用者上網更加便利,使得上網人口持續遞增,網路資訊也隨之增加。許多人會透過網路來蒐集與獲得資訊,例如網路論壇、社群以及部落格等。而部落格是一種可以讓部落客不定期張貼新的文章、圖片或影片的網頁或線上日記,用來記錄生活或分享資訊。台灣是一個充滿美食的地方,台灣人也喜歡品嘗美食及分享餐館資訊,因此網路部落格成為美食愛好者資訊交流與分享的平台。西式牛排餐館在台灣消費者心目中一向具有「頂級地位」與「高檔形象」的觀點,因此許多飯店及餐館近兩年以牛排館取代既有的義法或歐式餐廳,也讓西式牛排餐館在台灣逐年盛行。本研究將對於西式牛排餐館進行研究,探討網路部落格口碑訊息影響台北地區居民前往西式牛排餐館消費的情形,以及部落格口碑訊息與消費實態之間的關係。本研究共回收 391 份有效問卷進行統計分析,藉此對所欲探討之問題進行分析與研究。
研究結果顯示:部落格口碑訊息陳述之可靠性與親身經驗對於西式牛排餐館消費者的消費頻率、消費時間及消費時段具有正相關,同時部落格訊息之可靠性與部落客親身經驗對於消費者的消費頻率、消費時間、消費時段及消費金額均有其影響力。另外部落格口碑訊息陳述之專業性對於西式牛排餐館消費者的消費頻率及消費金額呈現正相關,同時部落格訊息之專業性對於消費者的消費頻率、消費時間、消費時段及消費金額均有其影響力。綜合本研究之結果可得知,部落格口碑訊息對於西式牛排餐館消費者的消費行為有所影響,同時不同人口統計變數在餐館屬性、消費動機以及消費實態上皆有顯著差異。故本研究之結果可供西式牛排餐館業者參考,在未來可針對不同消費族群做出不同的行銷策略與市場區隔,並且適當運用部落格廣告進行宣傳,藉此提升訪客數。 In recent years, due to the increasing popularity of the Internet and more and more mobile devices making the Internet population more convenience, network information also increases. Many people collect and obtain information by internet, such as Internet forums, blogs and other community websites as well. The blog is a platform to let bloggers regularly post new articles, photos or videos for recording life or share information. Taiwan is a gourmet heaven, Taiwanese also like tasting food and share cuisine information, and therefore blog become a food lover information exchange and sharing platform. In Taiwan western steakhouse in the minds of consumers is luxury and highclass, many hotels and cuisines replace the existing cuisines to the steakhouse in the past two years, so western steakhouse become more and more popular in Taiwan.In this study takes the western steakhouse for investigation, study to discuss the impact of the message of blog word-of-mouth (WOM) for cousumers in Taipei and Newtaipei City toward western steakhouse. The sample of this research received 391 efficient questionnaires for statistical analysis, and come out with conclusions and suggestions as follows: The dependability and experience of the message of blog WOM is positively correlated with consumption frequency, time and period. The expertise of the message of blog WOM is also positively correlated with consumption frequency and amount. The results of this study tell us blogs information for western steakhouse have an obvious impact on consumer behavior. Therefore, this study provides some recommendations for the supervisor of western cuisine in managing and planning the marketing strategies, and use the blog WOM properly could enhance the number of visitors. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126486 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |