標題: 利益訴求及讚美方式對於國小學生學習績效和持續使用意圖之影響
Effects of Benefit Appealing and Praise on Children's Learning Performance and Continuance Usage Intention
作者: 李和樺
Hui-Chih Wan
An-Pin Chen
關鍵字: 利益訴求、讚美方式、競爭焦慮、心流、學習績效、持續使用意圖;benefit appealing、praise type、competitive anxiety、flow、learning performance、continuance intention to use
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 過去已有許多研究證實「嚴肅遊戲」所帶來的學習績效會比傳統的授課方式要來的好,然而,鮮少有研究進一部探討如何在嚴肅遊戲中有效地提升玩家的學習績效以及持續使用意圖。在平板電腦滲透率快速成長、且政府機關大力推行國小「電子書包」的今日,如何設計激發學童自主學習、樂在學習的嚴肅遊戲APP,是產官學都亟需獲得的知識與經驗。本研究根據文獻,提出模型探究不同利益訴求(利己/利他)以及讚美方式(鼓掌/口頭)的遊戲設計組合是否會影響學童的競爭焦慮感與心流高低,進而影響其學習績效或是遊戲的持續使用意圖。本研究採用實驗室實驗法,邀請77位6至13歲之國小孩童,實際花10-15分鐘操作專為本研究開發的遊戲APP,之後填寫問卷。研究結果顯示利己鼓掌組以及利他口語組的競爭焦慮感明顯低於利他鼓掌組,且競爭焦慮感會與學習績效呈顯著的負相關。若日後遊戲開發者目標是設計一個提升學習績效的遊戲,利己鼓掌組或是利他口語組的策略組合都是相對有效的選擇。此外,本研究也發現競爭焦慮能夠強化學習者的心流體驗,且心流又會顯著地增進持續使用意圖。換言之,遊戲的設計同時也必須保持相當的挑戰性,方能透過競爭焦慮與心流,創造持續使用該嚴肅遊戲進行學習的意圖。
Numerous studies have shown that people learn better from serious games than from conventional media. However, little is known about how to enhance the learning performance and continuance intention to use of serious game. Because the fast growing of tablet PC and electronic school bag, how to design a serious game APP that can help to motivate children's autonomous learning behavior and learn with fun is a improtant issue for industry, official and university. According to literature, this research develop a 2 (self benefit/other benefit) × 2 (applause/verbal praise) game design for helping children reduce anxiety and improve their flow experience in game playing, we use experimental method and invite 77 elementary school students (ages 6-13) to play a game app in 10 minutes. Results indicated that the self benefit/applause and other benefit/verbal praise’s anxiety were lower than other benefit/applause, anxiety was negatively correlated to learning performance. Therefore the game designers could consider the self benefit/applause or other benefit/verbal praise game design to improving learning performance of children. In addition, results indicated that anxiety was significantly associated to flow, we also found that flow was significantly associated to continuance intention to use, these results implied that by enhancing learners’competitive anxiety can contribute to increased gameplay interest. Therefore the game designers could consider the game competitive to enhancing learners’interest toward serious game.
Appears in Collections:Thesis