標題: How Does Face Consciousness Affect Purchase Intention of Cosmetic Surgery?
作者: 葉晶雯
Ching-Wen Yeh
關鍵字: 面子意識;物質主義;外表投資;年齡焦慮;微整型購買意願;Face consciousness;;Materialism;;Appearance investment;;Aging anxiety;;Purchase intention
公開日期: 1-十二月-2015
出版社: 交通大學
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究旨在探究面子意識、物質主義、外表投資、年齡焦慮與微整型購買意願的關係。本研究有三個目的:首先,探討物質主義在面子意識與外表投資之間所扮演的中介角色,其次探討外表投資在物質主義與微整型購買意願之間所扮演的中介角色;最後,探討年齡焦慮對外表投資與微整型購買意願間關係的調節效果。研究樣本包含600 位中年婦女,年齡介於35-55 歲。本研究主要研究結果有三:(1) 物質主義部份中介面子意識與外表投資的正向關係;(2) 外表投資部份中介物質主義與微整型購買意願的正向關係;(3)年齡焦慮調節外表投資與微整型購買意願的正向關係。研究結果建議業者實施策略時,可以根據目標顧客的物質主義和外表投資程度,來改進產品定位。在廣告中強調外表美麗是迷人的且可以帶來幸福,更容易吸引具有年齡焦慮的中年女性。
This study investigated the relationships among face consciousness, materialism, appearance investment, aging anxiety, and intention to purchase cosmetic surgery. Our three objectives were to (a) test the mediating effect of materialism on the relationship between face consciousness and appearance investment; (b) investigate the mediating effect of appearance investment on the relationship between materialism and intention to purchase cosmetic surgery; and (c) examine the moderating effect of aging anxiety on the relationship between appearance investment and intention to purchase cosmetic surgery. The participants in this study were 600 middle-aged women in Taiwan, between 35 and 55 years of age. Here, we report three major findings. First, materialism partially mediates the positive relationship between face consciousness and appearance investment. Second, appearance investment partially mediates the positive relationship between materialism and the intention to purchase cosmetic surgery. Third, aging anxiety moderates the positive relationship between appearance investment and intention to purchase cosmetic surgery. These findings suggest that in order to improve product positioning, service providers can implement various strategies based on the target customers’ materialistic values and degree of investment in personal appearance. Middle-aged women typically exhibit aging anxiety, and thus they are readily attracted by advertisements that emphasize the view that physical beauty is enchanting and can bring happiness.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/137181
ISSN: 1028-7312
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 35
Issue: 2
起始頁: 81
結束頁: 111


  1. 1028-7310-350203.pdf

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