標題: 探討消費者企業偽善認知、信任與購買意願之間的關係-環保意識與物質主義的干擾角色
Exploring the relationships among perceived hypocrisy, consumer trust and purchase intention: Moderating roles of environmental consciousness and
作者: 劉佳苹
Liu, Chia-Ping
關鍵字: 消費者企業偽善認知;環保意識;物質主義;消費者信任;購買意願;consumer corporate hypocrisy perception;environmental consciousness;materialism;consumer trust;purchase intention
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 由於高科技產業為台灣重要的經濟支柱之一,然而發展科技業的同時,環境生態受到了破壞,影響了生態的永續發展。因此本研究利用某一家以生產綠色產品為訴求之知名科技企業,卻有工廠造成環境汙染之相關報導,產生言行不一致之狀況。因此本篇主要在探討消費者企業偽善認知與信任、信任與購買意願兩兩之間的關係,以及環保意識對上述關係之調節效果,並進一步了解物質主義是否會干擾環保意識對上述變數關係之間的調節效果。 目前鮮少同時探討企業偽善與消費者信任、購買意願,以及環保意識和物質主義在此議題之干擾效果。本篇貢獻在於試圖了解企業偽善與消費者對企業信任程度之間的關係,以及環保意識與物質主義在消費者行為議題上之延伸。同時希望透過研究結果呼籲企業行使社會責任(CSR)相關活動時應該回歸到回饋社會大眾或保護自然環境之本質,不應該讓CSR淪為一種行銷工具,而產生言行不一的現象。
High-tech industry is one of the important economic pillars in Taiwan. However, highly development of technology industry results in destruction of environment and ecology. That affects the sustainable development. Therefore, this study chooses a well-known technology companies which makes public statement about green products production, but there are reports about environmental pollutions caused by the factory extension. That is in the situation of the words and deeds inconsistent, and then brings about consumer corporate hypocrisy perception. As a result, we want to investigate the relationship among consumer corporate hypocrisy perception, trust and purchase intension, as well as the moderating effect of environmental awareness and materialism. Through the study, we expect to learn more about how environmental awareness and materialism interfere with consumer corporate hypocrisy perception, trust and purchase intension. Rarely study explores corporate hypocrisy, consumer trust and purchase intension at the same time, as well as the moderating effect of environmental awareness and materialism in this issue. This study contributes the understanding the relationship among corporate hypocrisy, consumer trust, and purchase intention, as well as the extension of environmental consciousness and materialism in consumer behavior. According research results, we suggest corporations exercise social responsibility (CSR) related activities which should return to the feedback nature of the community or protect the natural environment, not just as a marketing tool. Corporation should keep its promise with words and deeds.