標題: 臺灣船員人格特質對知覺組織支持與工作投入關係之調節效應探討
The personality of Taiwanese seafarers as a moderator in the relationship between perceived organizational support and job involvement
作者: 華學文
關鍵字: 人格特質;知覺組織支持;工作投入;調節效果;personality traits;perceived organizational support;job involvement;moderation
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究發現臺灣船員知覺組織支持會正向影響工作投入,五大人格特質中的親和性可做為知覺組織支持與工作投入之間的調節因子,親和性越高的船員知覺組織支持與工作投入之關係越強,而嚴謹自律性與情緒穩定性則對知覺組織支持與工作投入之關係沒有顯著影響。 而船公司如何提高船員組織支持呢?本研究建議如下: 1.建立海陸輪調制度,解決船員家庭生活問題。 2.公平的對待每位船員,在工作時間調配應維持公平。 3.建立績效獎酬制度,對工作上表現優良船員給予鼓勵。 4.船公司主動培養船員專業技能,讓船員感受到受船公司重視。
The study found that Taiwanese seafarers perceived organizational support will positively relate to job involvement. Agreeableness, one of the big five personality traits, was found to moderate the relationship between perceived organizational support and job involvement. The higher agreeableness the seafarer scores, the stronger the relationship between perceived organizational support and job involvement is. Neither conscientiousness nor emotional stability moderates the relationship between perceived organizational support and job involvement. How does the shipping company improve seafarers perceived organization support? The study suggests as follows:(1)Establish the rotation system of the land and sea jobs to expand quality family time. (2)Allocate seafarer working hours fairly. (3)Establish performance reward systems to encourage the seafarers to perform well. (4)Develop professional skills to encourage seafarers.