Title: 差別費率策略下高速公路假日旅次之旅運選擇行為
Modeling Freeway Holiday Travel Behaviors under Discrimination Pricing Strategies
Authors: 蘇弈
Su, Yi
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
Keywords: 差別費率策略;出發時間選擇;離散選擇模式;連續羅吉特模式;Discrimination pricing strategy;Departure time decision;Discrete choice model;Continuous Logit model
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在臺灣由於高速公路於連續假日期間的交通壅塞問題日益嚴重,興建道路擴充容量之方式除了成本高昂外,也難以追上需求量增加之速度。而在現今高速公路收費系統以全面轉為計程式的電子收費系統(Electronic Toll Collection,ETC)後,使用差別定價此類交通管理措施的門檻已大幅下降。因此為減輕高速公路連續假日期間之交通壅塞,本研究旨在探討尖離峰差別定價對用路人選擇行為之影響,期望能藉此提出適當之差別定價方案,平衡連續假日尖離峰流量差距。
In Taiwan, freeway systems are usually seriously congested during consecutive holidays. The network expansion plan is hard to catch up with the increase of travel demand. However, since the freeway tolling system has been electronized, differential pricing strategies to effectively spread out peak traffic demand becomes viable nowadays. In order to relieve freeway traffic congestion during consecutive holidays, this study aims to examine the effect of differential pricing strategies to driver behaviors.
Based on this, this study uses of revealed and stated preference questionnaire survey and respectively employs multinominal Logit model (MNL) and nested Logit model (NL) to modeling mode and route choices and continuous Logit model (CL) to modeling departure time decisions. An electronic interactive questionnaire is designed to face-to-face interview drivers who have recent experiences in using freeway systems during consecutive holidays at freeway rest areas. The estimation results show that the nested Logit model (composing of freeway usage with different departure time alternatives into the same nest) fail to perform better than multinominal Logit model, suggesting the low correlations among different departure time alternatives. Additionally, the estimated MNL model suggests that the longer holiday is, the lower intention to change travel behaviors is. However, those who have experiences in using alternative routes and modes are of higher intentions to change. Moreover, due to the low goodness of fit of the estimated continuous Logit model, the explanatory power is limited and the detailed departure time probability density curve is hard to be portrayed, but only the trend of departure time preferences.
According to the scenario analysis under current toll rate and five times toll rates, the peak traffics are not remarkably different, suggesting the effect of differential pricing strategy on the departure time decisions is low and other countermeasures should be attempted instead.
Appears in Collections:Thesis