標題: 供應商保險桿交期績效改善-以N公司為例
Improving DDP for Bumper Supplier-A Case Study of N Company
作者: 林宇軒
關鍵字: 少樣多量;拉式;供應鏈;Pull Strategy;Supply Chain
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 摘要 本次研究對象為汽車的保險桿零件,因為研究對象Y廠商交貨達成率一直無法提升,交貨率無法提升,簡言之就是存貨備貨錯誤或是所生產庫存不足以應付客戶需求的變動,本研究先以Y廠商客戶進線的統計資料說明客戶需求變異、再以Y廠商製程數據判斷合適的生產方式及庫存、最後以模擬驗證提出本研究的建議。  要判斷Y廠商所合適的生產方式,第一步必須先由歷史資料判斷客戶需求變更的頻率以及需求的波動程度,目前資料區間為2014年8月~2014年12月N車廠裝車的紀錄,以統計分析的方式得到各種敘述統計數據,如平均數、標準差等。再來必須針對保險桿零件的產能與製程進行試算,廠商保險桿的製程包含塑膠射出以及塗裝,以得出零件生產的前置時間,與目前廠商生產方式,是否足以應付客戶需求之波動。  由本研究分析得知,客戶需求的變異大,推論目前Y廠商目前備料方式庫存不足以滿足客戶的需求,故為求驗證,本研究以廠商現行備貨方式以及本研究建議方式作目標庫存設定,以歷史資料模擬不同庫存水準下Y廠商交貨達成率進而對Y廠商提出生產方式建議。經模擬可得知Y廠內排程若合併製程前置時間合併與顧客交貨歷史資料考量,訂出顏色件目標庫存可有效提升廠商對客戶交貨的對應。
Abstract  The purpose of this study is to explain why the Bumper maker Y supplier cannot deliver their customer’s demand on time.This study divided into 3 sections as fluctuation from customer’s demand, production lead time and stock level based on customer and production.First step to evaluate customer’s fluctuation, this study use statistically analysis to find out the average figures and deviations from each colors of Bumper. Second step is to evaluate parts lead time including plastic injection and painting. After investigation of customer side and supplier side, this study could conclude if current stock level is enough. Comparing customer’s fluctuation and production lead time , the result explains that current supplier did not prepare enough stock to meet customer’s demand, thus, this study advice supplier to prepare different level of target stock. By using historic record to conduct simulation, we can see the result of different level will bring supplier with different delivery rate. From the simulation result , we can conclude: To meet customer’s demand, supplier have to synchronize both customer’s demands and production lead time.