標題: 窈窕佳人美容事業創業個案分析
The Spa Resorts Industry Development and Business Strategy Analysis - The Case of Day Spa
作者: 王瑞揚
Huimin Chung
Zhu liu
關鍵字: 美容美體;休閒產業;加盟連鎖;醫學美容;麗豐;克麗緹娜;佐登尼絲;salo
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 摘要 愛美是人的天性,台灣的美容美髮院在大街小巷都很容易看得到,在90年代以前的美容院市場,主要以專注在臉部保養為主,如:做臉、挽臉、點班、點痣、銷售保養品….等,由於國人的年均所得逐年提升,對於休閒產業的需求也逐漸增加,許多的休閒養生館如雨後春筍般的出現,逼得美容院不得不將自己的營業項目加入美體的部份。 窈窕佳人美容美體spa生活館的前身有8年的時間是加盟克麗緹娜直銷體系,創辦人兩夫妻從克麗緹娜直銷體系離開的時候,曾經因此負債800多萬,後來決定自創品牌,2007年正式於新竹長春街成立自己的行政與美容團隊,摒棄傳銷的方式以傳統美容沙龍店從新出發,透過網路行銷延攬客戶,2008年時發生了全球性的金融風暴,窈窕佳人卻在新竹科學園區許多企業施行無薪假的時候,逆勢成長,在短短的兩年半的時間,財務部分由負轉正。 2009年在顧客的要求下,成立了第一家竹北直營店,期間參考王品集團戴勝益先生的領導方式,如海豚理論,讓店長及員工入股,每月即時分紅;2013年底時共開出六間店,展店的速度雖然慢,可是很穩定,休息了一年,窈窕佳人本月在桃園大有路上成立第一間桃園店,另新竹的第七間直營店也正裝修準備營業中,今年是第一次將觸角跨出大新竹往桃園發展,希望在年底前能在桃園開出三家店,2017年底前新竹跟桃園區目標將會有20間連鎖的規模,並期許公司的年度營業額可以突破一億。
The natural instinct of people is beauty care; hence beauty salon houses can be easily seen everywhere in Taiwan. Operators of beauty salon houses in Taiwan mainly focus on facial care before the 90’s. Owing to the steady growth of GDP per capital of Taiwan, increases the needs of the leisure and recreation industry; therefore Spa resorts have sprung up lke mushrooms, forcing beauty salon houses have no choice but to fit beauty care into their business item. The predecessor of Day Spa is one of the franchisees in Chlitina, The founder of Day Spa eventually departed from the direct sales system after franchising Chlitina for 8 years. Since then, the founder had been indebted for more than NTD 8 million. They determined to build up their own brand and finally formed their first spa resorts in Changchun Street, Hsinchu in 2007. Abandoning the traditional way to operate beauty salon shop as a starting point, Day Spa attracts customers by internet marketing. The turning point for Day Spa is the global financial crisis occurred in 2008. Many companies in the Hsinchu Science Park purposed unpaid leave due to the recession, giving engineers a chance to enjoy the service of body care. In just two and a half years, Day Spa’s financial status turned from a loss to a profit. In order to meet customers’ needs, the founder set up the first direct selling store in Zhubei or Chupei city in 2009, guiding their members in Dai Shengyi’s led way as reference, such as Dolphin theory (Profit-sharing plans). At the end of 2013, the founders totally opened six spa resorts in Hsinchu. Slow but stable is the pace of expanding business. Currently, there are two stores preparing for operating, and expand operating scope from Hsinchu to Taoyuan. The founders hope that to set up three stores in Taoyuan at the end of 2015, and totally found 20 chains in Hsinchu and Taoyuan in 2017. And expectations of the company's annual turnover can break one hundred million.