Title: 成為「文青」——生命歷程與文化實做
Becoming “Wenqing”–– the life course and cultural practices
Authors: 鄧曼琳
Teng, Man-Lin
Keywords: 文青;文化資本;品味;生活風格;同志;文藝青年;Wenqing;life course
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究旨在研究文青的養成與文化實踐,旁及文青的生命歷程及其與同志的關係,呈現被認為是文青的受訪者對於文青的定義與自我定位。使用文獻分析、深度訪談、參與觀察法作為研究方法,研究台灣地區文青的養成與文化實踐情況。




This essay focuses on the progress and cultural practices of “Wenqing”, also focuses on the life course and the relationship with gay and lesbian group. Shows how and what the people who was considered as Wenqing think about Wenqing. This paper mainly uses the literature method and depth interviews.

The result shows that the key point of becoming Wenqing is the family influence and the education system.

The preference of participant shows on their leisure activities. For example reading, watching movie, listening to music and travel. Not all of the participant refuses the Hollywood movie or pop music. However, most of them prefer the independent music, niche market, and they join these activities often. At the choice of traveling, all the place where they’ve been to or plan to go to is not metropolitan but small city. The rest activities they mention are exhibition, go to café, take photo and watch the drama.

The reasons why we could see gay and lesbian in Wenqing activity are : 1. gay and lesbian group is the niche of the market. 2. gay and lesbian group has a homology situation with Wenqing. 3. Literature and culture activities offer a place for gay and lesbian group to express their emotion.

Most participant have their own idea about Wenqing, and they try to distinguish true Wenqing between fake Wenqing. The former is those who have a wide range of knowledge, practice their faith in life—this is also their definition of Wenqing. The later is those who only dress like Wenqing. There are four different kinds of reaction about being identified as Wenqing: 1. Doesn’t really care about how other people call him, only doing things on his own will. 2. Think he is not good enough to be called Wenqing. 3. Some of his interests are similar with those who is considered as “Wenqing”, but he has some other interest. 4. Identify himself as “Fanqing” (angry youth). Beside, there are some participants refuse to describe others as Wenqing, because it is only a label to differentiate others. We also find that there are lots of complicate meaning or contradiction situation when they use the words Wenqing in their conversation—it’s indicate a group of people with special style at the beginning, it’s now a style (and everyone knows what the style is). It’s sometimes a complement, sometimes an insult, a self-depreciation, or the mixture of above.
Appears in Collections:Thesis