Title: 網路系統重新架構的規劃與設計- 交大工程三館為例
The analysis and design of refactoring a network system - NCTU EC building as an example
Authors: 鄭楷穎
Cheng, Kai-Yin
Keywords: 網路重構;網路管理;network refactoring;network management
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 現今網際網路已成為生活中不可或缺的溝通媒介,人們透過網路查詢資料、取得新知並透過網路與他人溝通,大幅度改變目前人們的生活方式。但隨著電腦技術不斷的進步,舊有的網路架構已經無法負荷目前複雜的環境,勢必要針對網路架構進行重構。 我們以交通大學工程三館為例,逐步分析現存網路架構的問題,並且引入新的設計構想,流程化網路架構的設計,針對交通大學工程三館所面臨的問題與未來的需求提出較佳的網路架構。我們評估測試新架構的設計,透過Cisco的packet tracer進行基本的模擬,並且實際佈署小規摸的環境。結果顯示已解決過去存在的網路問題,大幅度降低網管人員處理網路問題時所需時間,並增進網路效能。
Internet has been an important communication media for our daily life. People seek for information, obtain new knowledge and communicate with others through the internet and it has dramatically changed the way how people live. However, as the computer technology continues to progress, the old network architecture has not been able to handle nowadays complex environment. Under the circumstances that the old network architecture has reached it bound, we should reconstruct the network architecture. We take the NCTU EC building as an example, and we carefully analyzed the existing network architecture. After that we introduces a new streamlined design concept of network design and by discovering the problem and future usage, we come out with a new network architecture design for the NCTU EC building. We evaluated the new architecture through Cisco's packet tracer for basic simulation and the actual deployment of small-scale environment. The results show that it has successfully resolved network problems which were existed in the past. Also a significant reduction is achieved in the time for network manager to deal with network problems and at the same time network performance has a substantial increase.
Appears in Collections:Thesis