標題: 高速公路興建對遊憩及旅運行為之影響分析-以國道五號為例
The Impact of New Highway on Tourism and Travel Behavior - A Case Study of The New Highway Between Taipei and Yilan
作者: 武伯原
Wu, Po-Yuan
Hsiao, Chieh-Yu
關鍵字: 目的地選擇;運具選擇;羅吉特模式;觀光旅次;Destination Choice;Mode Choice;Logit Model;Tourism Trip
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 近年來,國內觀光遊憩之需求及意願逐年成長,宜蘭地區的觀光旅次量也因國道五號的通車後而明顯成增加。國道五號雖然大幅改善台北至宜蘭間城際運輸的旅行成本與時間,但同時也產生了誘發需求。為了解國五興建前後民眾於遊憩旅運行為上的改變,本研究以大台北(台北市、新北市)地區民眾做為調查對象,問卷設計使用敘述性與顯示性偏好,利用羅吉特模式進行校估。研究結果顯示以大眾及私人運具分巢之巢式羅吉特為最佳模型,遊憩時的成本、交通時間及旅客的心理屬性均會影響目的地與運具選擇行為;社會經濟變數上,年齡與收入具有顯著之影響力。透過政策模擬,若政府實施小汽車差別費率及大客車專用道政策時,可抑制小汽車之使用量,增進大眾運輸之使用率,同時節省二氧化碳之排放。
Domestic tourism demand is rising in recent years, after the new highway between Taipei and Yilan has been built, the tourism trips in Yilan significant increases. Although building new highway improves the travel time and cost, it causes induced demand simultaneously. The study aims to investigate the impact of new highway on tourism and travel behavior. A data from Taipei citizens with revealed and stated preference was conducted to modeling the multinomial logit and nested logit model. The result shows that travel time, cost, psychological attributes, income and age effects their destination and mode choice. The simulation shows the different fare and shuttle bus line policies could decrease using private cars, develops public transportation, and also helps environment protecting.
Appears in Collections:Thesis