Title: | 新竹市國小學生步行交通安全教學成效之研究 Assessing the Effectiveness of Pedestrian Safety Curriculum for Hsinchu Elementary School Students |
Authors: | 葉志逸 Ye, Chih-Yi 張新立 Chang, Hsin-Li 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 交通安全教育;步行交通安全;試題反應理論;Traffic safety education;Pedestrian traffic safety;Item response theory |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 近三年來我國國民小學學生步行之交通事故持續增加,雖然各國民小學均持續推動交通安全教育,但是整體之交通事故數量並未減少。過去之交通安全教育常利用升旗時間進行宣導或是每學期邀請專家學者進行演講,在教學上受到許多的限制。在教學時間有限的情況下,本研究希望從了解步行安全應當優先教學的主題、教材和試題的設計到實際的教學,探討步行安全教學對於國小學生增長知識的成效。本研究利用網路問卷收集新竹縣市教師對步行安全優先教學主題的意見,從中歸納出三大教學目標,再配合新竹市四所國小進行試教及前後測驗以掌握教學成效。前測係於教學前一週施測,後測則於教學完成後十分鐘施測。測驗結果經過統計檢定及Rasch模式分析後顯示,接受教學後之學生,在正確答題題數上明顯高於對照組的學生,教學組學生的進步分數也明顯高於對照組的學生,許多原先對學生較為困難的題目在教學後其答對率也大幅增加,顯示出整套教材從設計到教學對受教之學生均有明顯的學習成效。 In Taiwan, more and more young children died and got hurt in the recent three years. Although every elementary school has tried hard to teach traffic safety to its students in the limited time, the amount of pedestrian crashes didn’t decrease. This study tried to figure out what topics should be taught with high priority through an internet survey on the elementary teachers in Hsinchu and collected three top topics for children pedestrian education. We then designed the pedestrian education curriculum and knowledge test, and conducted a teaching experiment at four elementary schools in Hsinchu. There were 217 grade-4 and grade-5 students participating in this program. The pre-test was given one week prior to the start of the curriculum, and the post test was administered in the end of the lecture. A statistically significant difference was found between the pre- and post-test for the 107 students who attended the classes, and they make progress on the topic of “Cross the street and intersection safely.” There was also a statistically significant difference in the post-test between the students who attended the classes and those who did not. The curriculum we designed is effective on enhancing the pedestrian safety knowledge of young children. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/127472 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |